Teach Me How To _____

Depending on the age.

For 5 and under I suggest wearing a Spiderman costume at home and to the parent/teacher meet and greet for Kindergarten.

For 10-6 I suggest living each day like it's their birthday; cake, swimming, bowling, friends, gifts and balloons.

For 18-11 I suggest making sure they are dressed in the latest trends, try even wearing what they wear. Also, use words such as; avocado, cat, donut, llama, vibing, ghosting, and/or dab.

But I don't know I don't have kids. I'm an aunt tho!

How do I convince people to relax at the lake all day?
Tell them you hid a $100 bill nearby.

How do I make my dog more obedient?
Train it every day, and be sure to give it a treat. Don't forget to be patient, of course.

How do I step out of my comfort zone when it comes to video games?
(Seriously, I only play like two or three games actively.)
Been there. Play a game you think you might be interested in and stick with it for a while. You might find it fun af and not want to stop playing it.

How do I get through this summer heat?
Make sure to wear loose and cool clothing, drink lots if fluids to stay hydrated and stay indoors as much as possible with air conditioning.

How do I stop overthinking?
When in doubt… pinky out!

How do I stop my hair from being a disaster 24/7?
Carry a brush or comb with you so you can fix it when necessary.

How do I stick to one TV show at a time?
watch an entire tv show in one day so you can start the next one earlier.

what do i do if my cats won’t stop following me around?
try to find books you are interested in reading instead of books others want you to read

how do i get a lot of money in tomodachi life?
Play a bunch of minigames with your Miis to win prizes (potentially expensive ones) and sell them at the pawn shop. You should also level up your Miis to at least Level 20 to get gold or silver coins from them as a reward for leveling them up.

How do I get back into writing?
Try starting with a goal— like a page a day. Or this many words a day. This might seem daunting at first, but if you gather enough inspiration, you might find yourself going beyond the limit. (Or reaching it.) Freewriting also helps.

How to blend two different eyeshadow shades together?
If it is a pressed powder;
obtain this
I have found little containers like this at a dollarstore in the travel supply isle or even cosmetic isle.

Then, either drop the eyeshadow you wish to mix (so they break into a crumble) or simply use a small tool to break up the fine powder.

Once your eyeshadows are a loose powder, add the desired amount into this small container and mix well.

Lastly, press the loose powerder back into a compact.
(I have had to press my eyeshadow back into a compact after accidently dropping it)

P.S I have never mixed eyeshadows before..

How do I remove a cake from the bottom of a pan?
Quickly turn the pan upside down, allowing the cake to fall before lifting the pan, just like when building a sandcastle. If the cake is stuck, I'd try carefully pushing a silicone spatula beneath the cake before preceding with the sand castle method.

How do I cut a bell pepper?
Take slow steps and look at your feet. Hold railing if available. If the stairs are wooden, make sure to wear socks with grips on them.

How do I find a comfortable sleeping position?