I'm in a Skype call and people are freaking out at my accent send help please.
LOOOL Have fun on your skype call!!! Hahahaha XD What kind of accent do you have? c: (If you don't mind me asking!)I'm in a Skype call and people are freaking out at my accent send help please.
YES DEFINITELY!~ Gudetamaaaaaaa <3 Bwuaahaha I like that pun you just made XDEggys for life! You could say the banners pretty Eggcellent!
I'm in a Skype call and people are freaking out at my accent send help please.
hello everyone~ i currently have my popsicle hidden while im trying to figure out what to put underneath my fruit lineup haha
Hi Lemon Pop!!!! XD Don't lie to us! We know you couldn't withstand the delicious looking popsicle so you ate it!!!hello everyone~ i currently have my popsicle hidden while im trying to figure out what to put underneath my fruit lineup haha
D'awwww!! That's cute ahahah!!!Australian, so it's not even very exotic but they're squealing.
Australian, so it's not even very exotic but they're squealing.
Oh Austrian isnt that exciting though. People say American accents are cool but i dont see it.
yeah i was thinking some birthstones but i don't think i have enough tbt for 4 of them D:
- - - Post Merge - - -
speaking of steven universe, my birthstone is pearl which happens to be one of my favorite gems aha
Hi everyone~! How is everybody?
Hi everyone~! How is everybody?
Okay I guess, and you?
Hi everyone~! How is everybody?
Doing fine, I start school tomorrow though. ;;