Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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Honestly I don't keep any villagers for anyone anymore because a lot of people do that, it's not your job to keep a villager for them and they're pretty much using you right now. Tell her hey I've been waiting long enough I'll be voiding in an hour.
Honestly I don't keep any villagers for anyone anymore because a lot of people do that, it's not your job to keep a villager for them and they're pretty much using you right now. Tell her hey I've been waiting long enough I'll be voiding in an hour.

seriously.. we're nice enough to give the villagers away at this point, but when they don't even bother showing up or w.e then forget it ~ they're just taking advantage over your kindness and generosity. pfft -.-
Whew!!! She finally Pm'ed me as I was getting back home! Yay! Tammy is now rehomed and I can keep going :). On a side note, she sent me a hefty tip so I will be donating some to go towards my bet and towards taking off the final cost of whoever wins the Popsicle.
I was holding a villager in my cycling thread because someone practically begged me to or they'd lose them from their main town, took them three days and kept stalling because they kept getting other villagers from other people for free so they messed me around thinking I'd hold her forever. I said I'm voiding her in 30 mins and he picked her up straight away when I said that. :p

Hate when people use others kindness against them.
Whew!!! She finally Pm'ed me as I was getting back home! Yay! Tammy is now rehomed and I can keep going :). On a side note, she sent me a hefty tip so I will be donating some to go towards my bet and towards taking off the final cost of whoever wins the Popsicle.

Oh! lol.. so what was her excuse if you don't mind me asking c:
Oh! lol.. so what was her excuse if you don't mind me asking c:

She had some unexpected craziness that kept her from home. I know she meant well, just got agitated in holding up bringing my babies back. Gonna try and move 2 more out and then I'll start bringing them back in!!!!!!!!
She had some unexpected craziness that kept her from home. I know she meant well, just got agitated in holding up bringing my babies back. Gonna try and move 2 more out and then I'll start bringing them back in!!!!!!!!

Oh i see ~ haha.. good luck in your cycling! :3
On another note.... LOOK what buuunii made me!!!!!!! (Its me and aleshapie!!!)
Recieved your donation DaCoSim, updated the Donation Pool, and contacted Miharu about you +50 btb toward the bet, thank you.
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THX!!! Making a sig with it right now!!!

Thx so much!!!


- - - Post Merge - - -

Made a siggy with it and added it to my sig rotator :)

that's cute! yeah I just decided to put all my personal sigs in one rotator too x3
Yes, with Miharu being sick, and me getting ready for school, I doubt this thread will have a lot going on for another day or two.

yeah! everyone will be so busy soon aww D;
On another note.... LOOK what buuunii made me!!!!!!! (Its me and aleshapie!!!)
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THAT'S SO CUTEEEE!! D'AWWWW!!!~ Also thank you so much for your donations!! >//v//< Also your tbt entry has been updated on the OP! c:

Yes, with Miharu being sick, and me getting ready for school, I doubt this thread will have a lot going on for another day or two.
Yeahhhh ; v ; I'm feeling a lot better now though!!! Still resting and taking it easy ahahah XD
THAT'S SO CUTEEEE!! D'AWWWW!!!~ Also thank you so much for your donations!! >//v//< Also your tbt entry has been updated on the OP! c:

Yeahhhh ; v ; I'm feeling a lot better now though!!! Still resting and taking it easy ahahah XD

I hope you feel better! Being sick really sucks.
ahhh bae <3 did you take your medicine? ; v;
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