Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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Let's try to not talk about who dislikes who please as that may or can start an argument. Whether if this is true or not, there's no need to announce it publicly. c: Thanks!

Oh, sorry I just wanted to answer naekoya's question. c:
Good morning sunshineee ~ how are you feeling today?
any better or still the same?
Morning baeee!~ <3 I'm feeling a lot better!! My fever is gone now! XD I hope it doesn't come back ahahaha XD Thanks for asking!! <3 How are you? <3

Good morning! c:
Are you feeling any better?
Morning!! Yeah I'm feeling a lot better!! My fever went away! x] I just hope it stays that way ahahaha! XD How are you doing this morning? <3

Oh, sorry I just wanted to answer naekoya's question. c:
She didn't give you a question to answer. Her question wasn't "Does ___ like you? o:"
She only stated that it's fun to know people online who lives close to you. c:

heyooo all n___n
Morning baeee!~ <3 I'm feeling a lot better!! My fever is gone now! XD I hope it doesn't come back ahahaha XD Thanks for asking!! <3 How are you? <3

woke up grouchy hahah! trying to wake up before my bf did so I can WAKE him up xD LOLLl <33333
Morning!! Yeah I'm feeling a lot better!! My fever went away! x] I just hope it stays that way ahahaha! XD How are you doing this morning? <3

That's good! I'm glad you're feeling better! ;] Make sure to take it easy for awhile after you were sick so you don't get it back o:
And I'm good! Tired, but good!
Heeeeyyyyyy!!! I've been good! I just started my first class two days ago so I'm still getting myself togethef for the school year... I'm still super lazy ahahaha

Ahh~ I would never be able to live without my computer, even if it was for a few days ; o ;
Try living without it for 1 1/2 months. v.v
woke up grouchy hahah! trying to wake up before my bf did so I can WAKE him up xD LOLLl <33333
D'AWWWW!!!! -hugs- LOL Did he at least wake up for you? XD

That's good! I'm glad you're feeling better! ;] Make sure to take it easy for awhile after you were sick so you don't get it back o:
And I'm good! Tired, but good!
Hehe thank you! >/v//< I will definitely take it easy! c: I've been laying in bed for the past 2 days hahaha XD

Aww!! I hope you get your energy back soon!! > v<b

And hey Miharu whats up? Are you feeling better?

I just woke up hahah! Patrick is about to make me something to eat c: And yes!! I'm feeling a lot better! > v<b
My temperature is currently 98.8 c:

What are you up to? XD

I'm so glad that you are feeling better Miharu! ~ <3
Thank you!! :D
Heeeeyyyyyy!!! I've been good! I just started my first class two days ago so I'm still getting myself togethef for the school year... I'm still super lazy ahahaha

Try living without it for 1 1/2 months. v.v
OH GOSH AHAHA good luck in school man!!! ; v ; You can do it!!!

When you have time you should definitely read our updates! We've added in a lot of new things! XD

im just stalking tbt for now! Its good that your feeling better, make your bae your personal chef!
*STALKER ALERT* Joking ahahaha!!
Thank you!!! ;v ; YESS I SHALL HAHAHA XD
D'AWWWW!!!! -hugs- LOL Did he at least wake up for you? XD

yeeee ~ he did then just cuddled me back saying 5 more minutes LOLOL.. don't need a teddy for sure >w<
yeeee ~ he did then just cuddled me back saying 5 more minutes LOLOL.. don't need a teddy for sure >w<

D'AWWW That is just too cute!!! Hahahaha!! Was it actually the "Just 5 more minutes" or did it end up longer than 10 minutes? Bwuahahah XD
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