Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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Blaaah, I should really start sleeping earlier, I stayed up to 3am watching anime. e_e
Oh, and moorning everyone~
OHH!! I love salad and yogurt!!! <3 What kind of yogurt do you have? XD

I hope she can get you some!!! :D

Btw, if I stop responding, it probably means I fell asleep ahahah it's 5:12am here XD I'm getting sleepy LOL (If I do fall asleep, early goodnight! <3 )

I hate salad and its wierd yogurt and I feel really sick from looking at yoghurt
I'm doing a lot better. Pretty much all symptoms are gone except the cough but I have an inhaler and am still taking antibiotics for it so am hopeful it'll go away soon.

Look what I did last night ;)


Wow. Thats impressive! May I ask how much all of it was?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Good Morning for those who are near my time zone!

Morning! Your PST right?
Ahhh sorry ahaha the pps awards are wrong xD pps award is actually 10tbt+15 pps for the winner and rest gets 5 pps for participating. It is on the OP in the quest board c: I think you got the pps you were receiving (30 pps for lucanosa for creating the quest) confused with the winnings XD

also congrats to the winner! Also sorry if I reply late, working atm

X'D sorry, I think I posted that half asleep at the new house

Any other Elder Scrolls fans in TP?

YES! I loved Oblivion and Skyrim, I'm excited about the sixth one that's coming out :3

Quest:Show me your characters! (it may end in something later on involving art! ;) )
Deadline:Until the end of Sunday! (BST)
Requirement: Post a picture of your OC/Mayor, and then tell me their personality!
Reward:10 PPS

The one quest I'll never be able to do~

Good Morning for those who are near my time zone!

Wow. Thats impressive! May I ask how much all of it was?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Morning! Your PST right?

Hey there! Sorry. Was listing a bunch of cards on eBay and just finished setting up the new 3ds.

The cards were basically $300 with tax. (But should make most of that back as I listed all the doubles except the ones I'm sending to aleshapie.) The system was $220 but I had a $35 coupon and I traded in my purple 3ds as well.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hey Jacob, can you add me to the Popsicle raffle please? Thx!!! Also I just did quest 14 :)
Blaaah, I should really start sleeping earlier, I stayed up to 3am watching anime. e_e
Oh, and moorning everyone~
LOL! ONLY 3am?? XD Omg ahaha you should have seen me back in my high school days when I had a lot of free time! I used to stay up until 7am watching anime and wouldn't wake up until 2-5pm depending on how tired I was ahahaha!!!

Morning!! XD

I hate salad and its wierd yogurt and I feel really sick from looking at yoghurt
AWWW!!! Salad is so good for you!! <3 And ew okay what kind of yogurt are we talking about here LOL

Good Morning for those who are near my time zone!
Morning Jacob! :D

X'D sorry, I think I posted that half asleep at the new house
No worries!! Hahaha It happens! x]

Hey Jacob, can you add me to the Popsicle raffle please? Thx!!! Also I just did quest 14 :)
Jacob has added you to the raffle list! :D

Yay!! Your Quest Log is now updated! <3

Already voted for Quest #14, and trying Chompy now (it's not as bad as Cat Mario... but it's still painful!)
Yay! Your Quest Log is now updated! x]

LOL Omg I thought it was fun and cute for the first 10 levels, then when I got to the 21th-30th level I died omg ahahaha Thankfully not as bad as Cat Mario XD

I saw!! Also to answer your question, you need to say/comment "I'll sign!" to sign the petition! That's how you sign it! x] (Your Quest Log is now updated! :D )

Hey Blackjack! Try not to post 1 worded comments as I consider that spam! If you think it's funny you can probably type out something longer such as "Omg hahaha I like that pun! It made me laugh XD Nice one!" or something like that! c:

Thanks! :D
LOL! ONLY 3am?? XD Omg ahaha you should have seen me back in my high school days when I had a lot of free time! I used to stay up until 7am watching anime and wouldn't wake up until 2-5pm depending on how tired I was ahahaha!!!

Morning!! XD

AWWW!!! Salad is so good for you!! <3 And ew okay what kind of yogurt are we talking about here LOL

Morning Jacob! :D

No worries!! Hahaha It happens! x]

Jacob has added you to the raffle list! :D

Yay!! Your Quest Log is now updated! <3

Yay! Your Quest Log is now updated! x]

LOL Omg I thought it was fun and cute for the first 10 levels, then when I got to the 21th-30th level I died omg ahahaha Thankfully not as bad as Cat Mario XD

I saw!! Also to answer your question, you need to say/comment "I'll sign!" to sign the petition! That's how you sign it! x] (Your Quest Log is now updated! :D )

Hey Blackjack! Try not to post 1 worded comments as I consider that spam! If you think it's funny you can probably type out something longer such as "Omg hahaha I like that pun! It made me laugh XD Nice one!" or something like that! c:

Thanks! :D

Mimi, I'm not that crazy! XD I can only sleep for 4-6 hours at a time. And I don't know why. ;u;
Hahahaha do it for the anime! ;) LOOOL And awww!! Maybe because you are a morning person? O: (Just taking a guess ahahaha)

What genre do you like? :D

Pfft, maybe. I have an easy time getting out of bed more than other people, so I guess I am! xD
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