Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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Dang im trying to save tbt for the shop and i asked tina the mod when theyre gonna restock but its a secret sadly ugh :(
Yeah ; v; Restocks are always a secret. c: I'm hoping to see another restock sometime soon or something ahahaha (Also hoping for more popsicle restocks XD )

And a ruby is what you received, so no crying about it! :p
She has a point! ;D
Yeah ; v; Restocks are always a secret. c: I'm hoping to see another restock sometime soon or something ahahaha (Also hoping for more popsicle restocks XD )

She has a point! ;D
It was only for the beach party last year though I don't think they will... And it's lilys fault for buying the ruby a day early!
It was only for the beach party last year though I don't think they will... And it's lilys fault for buying the ruby a day early!

Just be grateful that you got the ruby

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Im not sure if its too late,
but may I join the raffle?
Im nvr on when theres a restock ;( ima be poor lol xP
Awww!! ; v ; Always next time!! You can do it!! :D

It was only for the beach party last year though I don't think they will... And it's lilys fault for buying the ruby a day early!
Yeah I don't think so, but nothing wrong with hoping! XD Hahaha!~

I think I am still enrolled in the raffle. Miharu can you make sure im on the list? Thank you ~~ :D
To check if you are still on the list, you can go to the first page and open the spoiler that says "Raffle List" for future reference! :D You are currently not on the list. Please make sure to read the update on page 70 though first since some changes have been made! :D Reasons are listed there! c:

Dang call me daniel is pissed lol xP

Hahaha I don't think he is XD

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Just be grateful that you got the ruby

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Im not sure if its too late,
but may I join the raffle?
I'm pretty sure Daniel is grateful! c: Just a little sad it's not on his exact birthday hahaha!~ XD

Also, yes you may! I'll have Jacob add you once he's back! :D

Hey Everybody

Hi Nizzy!! How are you doing?? :D
could i be put on the raffle list please :)

WOO!~ Finished PM ing everyone that was on the old raffle list!~ Please note this PM notice will NOT happen again. c: I decided to PM everyone to make it a little more fair if they don't normally check the market or etc since we cleared out the list for reasons posted on the update on page 70! <3 Please make sure to check back after every raffle finishes since we will be clearing the list every time a raffle is held (we will state if the list will be cleared!~ c: ) Please don't worry if you miss this raffle as we will have many more in the future! c: We also will have one more popsicle to raffle off soon after this raffle ends!

Also as for the current raffle, PLEASE make sure to read the update as we will not be accepting "I forgot to read the update" or "I didn't know there was an update!" as reasons to get you away from being banned from Team Popsicle and TP's future activities/giveaways!~
this threadd moves so fast!

my 2 color picks are coral and golden yellow!
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