Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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That's not fair at all...
Just do the way I told you and use a calculator and paper.

im crying

I am using paper but being the dumb person I am, I suck at math.
I wrote down a lot of stuff, I'll put up a screenshot.
coming soon TBT is being slow
I don't want to start arguments so I will just leave.

I'll do it on my own, thanks

Ahh no no no, no arguments are being started so please don't worry! We just don't want to see you getting in trouble and that's why we are telling you to not change your rules/giveaway!! Daniel's advice on how to hold the giveaway is a great and easy idea!! But first, what did you first state on your giveaway? Like did you tell them how the winner would be picked?
I told them I would use a random name picker.

I'm using the same website you're using
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I told them I would use a random name picker.

I'm using the same website you're using

Ahhh yeah :c Then since you stated the random name picker, you'll have to stick with it I think. Unless you want to talk to the mods about it and see if it's okay for you to change part of your giveaway picking. I'm honestly not sure how it'll work. > __ < Sorry I couldn't be of help! :c
Ok. I don't mind using the Name Picker though,

What I need help with is how to count Pennifer and Hatori's entries.

I might use Daniel's idea but I still don't get it.
How would the others get chosen?

I think I came up with an idea but idk if it's good or bad

I assign everyone a number
I type the number, and whoever's number gets chosen first gets first place.
Second number gets 2nd place
3rd number gets 3rd place
Is this a good idea?

And it's way easier to type 2 304 times and 5 300 times
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Ok. I don't mind using the Name Picker though,

What I need help with is how to count Pennifer and Hatori's entries.

I might use Daniel's idea but I still don't get it.
How would the others get chosen?

I think I came up with an idea but idk if it's good or bad

I assign everyone a number
I type the number, and whoever's number gets chosen first gets first place.
Second number gets 2nd place
3rd number gets 3rd place
Is this a good idea?

And it's way easier to type 2 304 times and 5 300 times
I guess you could go that route too? You'll need to speak to a mod, the way my method works is that each person has a certain amount of numbers based on their number of entries. Then randomize a number and the person with they number wins. People with more entries have a longer range of numbers and a greater chance that the number is theirs.
Um well I already typed Hatori's number, 30, 300 times, and I typed Pennifer's number 20, 304 times.

I need to go on to the others before it strikes midnight :D
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Okay all done!!!

Get hyped (only Daniel since he's in the giveaway too! ;))
This sounds fun!, how do I join?

Hello! Welcome to Team Popsicle.. in order to join
all you need is a Popsicle collectible
as you can see on the side bar under my profile (the Popsicle pixel icon) c:
This sounds fun!, how do I join?

Hello! Welcome to Team Popsicle.. in order to join
all you need is a Popsicle collectible
as you can see on the side bar under my profile (the Popsicle pixel icon) c:

To add on to this, You can also join Team Popsicle as a "Popsicle in Freezing" if you do not have one!

Just say I would like to join, and Miharu will add you to the rooster! Here we just chat and occasionally hold give aways!
Hello! Welcome to Team Popsicle.. in order to join
all you need is a Popsicle collectible
as you can see on the side bar under my profile (the Popsicle pixel icon) c:

Welcome to tbt in that matter! You can also ask to be a Popsicle in freezing! Just read the op!
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