I literally feel like the most worthless person on the planet.
The link to my Advice Column is in my signature <3
I am a graduate psychology student, trained in Crisis Inervention, and see real life clients (as part of my practicum at the Counselling Centre on campus) in training in Cogniitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), and effective method for mood disorers such as depression, dysthymia, anxiety, and it has proven effective for other disorders, even eating dosorders (though none of my clients have eating disorders, but I can direct you or anyone to resources if they need them) - CBT is not about "positive thinking", its more about challnging negative, toxic thought patterns that repeat in your mind over and over like a broen record player, and challenge their validity to question how true they are, prove yourself wrong (so prove you aren't wortthless, with guidance of a trained CBT therapist - I am the closest you will find, most likely on TBT! XD) For instance 2 TP users disagree wih you and say NO! You ARE NOT worthless! And offer to talk to you any time and show they care about you (other than me) Miharu and cookiecrisps at LEAST. So 2 against one, if we are voting people who believe you are worthless and people you do not. Plus me, if I can pose my therputic argument against what I believe on the value of individuals:
We are ALL born with certain gifts, talents, skills and abilities. If you are religious, or spiritual, you may believe they are God-given. These were entitled to you, as I said, as gifts. There is a light inside you. Something that shines brightly when you are passionate about something. A subject in school. A sport. A form of art or music. A Hobby. Sometimes you can turn this passion into a career. In fact, arguably, in most cases you can. I believe in your youth (so up to the age of 19) it is your responsibility to "get to know yourself". But you will ALWAYS contnue learning about yourself. Bu I mean hobbies, what you are good at in school, what you aren't, etc... Get involved in anything and everything you can and find your passions, find your purpose. And use the skills you attain to help others because likewise they have skills and gift unique to them to help the world too. And if we all use our gifts and passions and do what we love to contribute to society the world would be a better place. You are not worthless. And I know, if you feel depressed a common symptopm is not enjoying things you used to enjoy. That doesn't mean your inner flame is extinguished. Emotions are temprary. Thoughts are temporary. What we do with them, our behaviours is the only thing within our control. And it can make all the difference in the world. CBT is a way that can teach you how to get your life back on track, get you in a routine and give your life purpose and self-worth so that you can learn to value yourself again like even strangers such as Miharu, cookie crisps and myself do unconditionally.
As always, as I mention on my Advice Column thread (you can browse through it, there are plenty of resources on there) but my PM inbox is always ALWAYS open. And part of my training bounds me to strict confidentiality. What you tell me stays between us. (There are certain consitions, like if a child was being neglected or abused or if the police wanted some psychiatric record if you committed a crime - but this is the internet! None of those apply here, you are anonymous, and it is out of my jurisdiction. But even so, the confidentiality thing still applies and nothing you say via PM will be shared with anyone.
I open my inbox to any TPers also, should you need anyone to talk to.
Know you have a soon-to-be-PhD in your midst, even willing to listen to you vent if you don't want professional services!