Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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This club looks really awesome!, what are the requirements to join?

Haha thanks! (≧∇≦)b There are actually two rosters you could join depending on whether or not you have a popsicle collectible! (But you don't need to join either of the rosters of you don't want to! c: ) All information and rules are posted on the first page! (≧∇≦)b

Also welcome to TP! Glad to see you are interested in joining! :D

Night everyone!! I am heading to bed (*?ω`*) I hope you guys have a wonderful night/morning!
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at the moment i don't have a popsicle, as i'm not sure on how to attain one :p
So what does being in this team involve? :D

- - - Post Merge - - -

oh goodnight!, sweet dreams :p
at the moment i don't have a popsicle, as i'm not sure on how to attain one :p
So what does being in this team involve? :D

- - - Post Merge - - -

oh goodnight!, sweet dreams :p

The Team is basically a small chat room, and often we hold little events and giveaways for various collectibles or prizes ;D
Yes welcome! I'm Daniel if you haven't guessed by now! Feel free to stop by and chat :D

Ugh, I remember I had a teacher with your last name. She sucked. I'm Danny, so it can get kinda confusing but feel free just to call me neester or whatever you want. And ohmygod whoever posted David blaine street magic was classy af
I should really start packing a lunch... my lunch period is at the end of the day and I can't wait that long! T . T
Good morning everyone! I'm still trying to figure out what to dress up as for Halloween when I give away candy. I'm thinking grim reaper, medieval knight, or pirate. Any ideas?
Good morning everyone! I'm still trying to figure out what to dress up as for Halloween when I give away candy. I'm thinking grim reaper, medieval knight, or pirate. Any ideas?

grim reaper you say?


Hi everyone!
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