Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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I really want to make tacky glitter text for the group do i have approval

if i have time i'll add a few other things in photoshop but here


if i have time i'll add a few other things in photoshop but here


if i have time i'll add a few other things in photoshop but here


Amazing :p

if i have time i'll add a few other things in photoshop but here



I may be late but can I still enter(got home super late)?

Yes! Edit: super sorry, We are going to have to refain from letting you in this one D,:
Entries closed, there is another one in a few days tho!

Just watched the full vid :D

HAHA want another one?
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Im done swimming!!! Will be heading home soon!! Sorry for the wait guys! (?;ω;`)

Also @pain ahhh sorry pain!! entries closed at 10pm, 26 minutes ago, ; ___ ; As much as I would like to add you, it wouldn't be fair to others who didn't make it in time as well. But no worries!!! We still have one more popsicle to give away after this!! (≧∇≦)b Also there will be more future events where you can win popsicles as well!!
For anyone who enjoys anime, This is probably one of the funniest videos i have ever seen,
i hope u enjoy!

just finished the senpai video also. Isnt it a thing in japan where people who commit suicide take off their shoes?
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