Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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What is the 15k giveaway I wanna see give me the link

i dont have a link for it,

but it was this thread that lasted for 1 week where this amazing girl gave 15-17k tbt

all we had to do was post, so there was 1-2 thousand posts each day

the mods wanted to shut us down so bad
XD I got mine at the last apple restock since I missed it on the other 3 restocks, but I still feel lucky nonetheless
Apples are a pain to collect so if you ever get one, make sure you plan on what you do with it

Btw someone needs to make team apple (maybe it'll be me ahahaha)

;o; I feel so guilty now that I'm part of team cake....
I still love Team Popsicle and wanna be a part of it, so don't count me out xD (I'll just have two teams in my siggy)
Hahaha when I got my apple from the restock I traded it off for 2 popsicles an 500tbt and a dark blue house XD OHH!~ Hahaha there's going to be so many teams XD Mods might have to make another subforum XD

yeah otherwise we'd end up like the 15k tbt giveaway thread and the mods should wanna close it up
Oh gosh I have no goals trying to make this 15k posts ahaha I just only want our Team Popsicle members to enjoy themselves, chat among each other, become friends, etc. XD Once we get a group, it'll be a lot easier for the mods and us XD ( I hope :D )
Hahaha when I got my apple from the restock I traded it off for 2 popsicles an 500tbt and a dark blue house XD OHH!~ Hahaha there's going to be so many teams XD Mods might have to make another subforum XD

Oh gosh I have no goals trying to make this 15k posts ahaha I just only want our Team Popsicle members to enjoy themselves, chat among each other, become friends, etc. XD Once we get a group, it'll be a lot easier for the mods and us XD ( I hope :D )

XD Well.... maybe I will make a team apple o:
OR a team fruit! c: fruit needs to be more common on the forums.... but idk xD I have no one to have as a co-founder
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Miharu--yay I was worried that we couldnt chat as we pleased!

yeah, my boyfriend says the same exact thing too!

I still eat popsicles but many of my friends dont like it
anymore T.T i also like pour juice into ice cube trays
and sticking toothpicks on them during the summer <33

subforums? are there really so many groups trying
to form all of the sudden?

I joined dream crossing/address group but its not
really active T.TTTTTT its one of my favorite part
of the game:visiting finished towns through dream suite
and looking at others slowing finishing their town!

Lucanosa--Once i get a collectible Im never selling it
unless I buy an extra >< Im still looking for green and
blue candy but will buy them later! If you do make an
apple group, I dont mind joining your group!

hmm what kind of things do you look for when you decide you need a cofounder?

Jacob_lawall--forever friends! got the request! If i go
to a certain thread with people I want to get close to
or are, I just subscribe to it. I forget about the friend
request function!
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XD Well.... maybe I will make a team apple o:
OR a team fruit! c: fruit needs to be more common on the forums.... but idk xD I have no one to have as a co-founder

OHH LOL GOOD LUCK!!! XD Yeahhh definitely need a co founder or 2 founders like Jacob and I XD It's not easy handling a group but really fun XD
OHH LOL GOOD LUCK!!! XD Yeahhh definitely need a co founder or 2 founders like Jacob and I XD It's not easy handling a group but really fun XD

is 2 people enough for handling a group? Wouldnt 3-5 really good?

Call me Daniel-- wowwww its a wonderful give away! is peoyne still active?
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