Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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Came back from dinner, it was great! These heart thumps from the love loyalty and cuteness! Teams Popsicle forever! You guys all rock!! Too bad I'm tired from swimming!! See you again tomorrow
Team Birthstones aka Gems is now open! :)

Cycling isn't going very well and lots of people have been trying to take advantage. QQ I lost the motivation to cycle sort of, cry.
AWWW!!! ; A ; -hugs- I'm sorry to hear that!! I hope it goes better for you!!! ; v ;

Came back from dinner, it was great! These heart thumps from the love loyalty and cuteness! Teams Popsicle forever! You guys all rock!! Too bad I'm tired from swimming!! See you again tomorrow
Welcome back!!! Yess TP FOREVER <3 Night!! Hope you have a wonderful rest!!! :D
I'm going to donate 2 oranges and 2 pears I have sitting in my inventory. :D We now have 3 pears and 3 oranges up for grabs! c: Prices are in the OP on Jacob's section!
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I wonder with the new team if prices will influx for fruits.. Hm

It may hahaha I wouldn't be surprised if it did. c: So many teams now hahaha XD

By the way Oreo! What is your favorite color? (You can choose 2 colors if you can't pick one.) And who's your favorite anime character/ favorite anime? c: This is for the project I have in mind for Team Popsicle!~ I'm going to be asking the people in the "Popsicle in Freezing" list as well since I know you guys will become future members :D
Yeah!! XD Just more options for me to choose from ahahaha!~

omgomg ugh. Such a hard decision but I have to go with Mami from Madoka! (sorry hancock! Not that she'd mind anyway, she's only got her eyes on Luffy XD)

✧ Looks like we have been moved to the Basement! XD Please check the basement if you are looking for Team Popsicle now as we are no longer in the TBT Marketplace [Probably because we are more of a chatting group XD No idea why we were moved, but that's most likely the reason. c: We will still be selling collectibles though and accepting them to put them up in TP's shop! :D ]

omgomg ugh. Such a hard decision but I have to go with Mami from Madoka! (sorry hancock! Not that she'd mind anyway, she's only got her eyes on Luffy XD)

Noted!!! Ahahaha omg Hancock only has her eyes on Luffy XD only man she sees ahahahaha
It may hahaha I wouldn't be surprised if it did. c: So many teams now hahaha XD

By the way Oreo! What is your favorite color? (You can choose 2 colors if you can't pick one.) And who's your favorite anime character/ favorite anime? c: This is for the project I have in mind for Team Popsicle!~ I'm going to be asking the people in the "Popsicle in Freezing" list as well since I know you guys will become future members :D

My favourite colour is yellow! It's so happy and it makes me happy when I look at it. My favourite anime is Hellsing, I don't watch any animes currently honestly but I absolutely loved Hellsing and Deathnote.
Please see announcement in The Marketplace regarding the move.

Thanks for the notice! :D Just read it! I have one question though! Is it alright if we keep doing giveaways, selling collectibles, etc. in this thread just like how we have always been doing it since we started this thread? c: I would rather keep it all in one thread (since personally I don't want to title the header "Giveaway" since I want these raffles/giveaways to only happen for people/members who are actually interested in TP and actually decides to click and read/lurk through this thread. That is why I've never changed the header to something with raffle or anything like that to prevent people who really aren't interested in TP from entering. )
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Oh it's no problem if you want to do it all here. We just thought you'd want to still be able to in the Marketplace!
My favourite colour is yellow! It's so happy and it makes me happy when I look at it. My favourite anime is Hellsing, I don't watch any animes currently honestly but I absolutely loved Hellsing and Deathnote.
Yayy!~ Thanks for the feedback! <3 Just noted it down! <: OHHH I haven't seen Hellsing yet, but I've watched Deathnote!! The opening and ending to that anime was crazy but awesome ahahahaha!~ XD

Oh it's no problem if you want to do it all here. We just thought you'd want to still be able to in the Marketplace!
Sweet!!! Thank you so much!!! :D I don't mind where we are since we are just a temp group waiting for a real group to be re-stocked! c: Thanks for the fast response! :D I truly appreciate it!
Go popsicles ~ hahah c:

YEEEE!~ GO TP!~ <3

Also I just realized I had "Icon by peoyne" on my sig -headdesk- HAHA whoops XD Just edited that out since my icon is a selfie and not the art avatar she drew for me ahahaha I feel so silly now XD
YEEEE!~ GO TP!~ <3

Also I just realized I had "Icon by peoyne" on my sig -headdesk- HAHA whoops XD Just edited that out since my icon is a selfie and not the art avatar she drew for me ahahaha I feel so silly now XD

AHAH! Yeaaa I sometimes forget to add/remove like credits when I change things around too xD
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