Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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Anyone want to join another team? You only need to pay 10 TBT! It would be fun being part of 2 teams! :)

Team Magica is my new team that i've created.

Team Magica would like to work with Team Popsicle!
Think I'm about to go back to cycling. 4 down. 12 more to go :)
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Just sent some donation $$$. Not a lot but hope it helps.

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I keep getting sidetracked from Cycling. I did need to mop my house though. Lol!
Just sent some donation $$$. Not a lot but hope it helps.

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I keep getting sidetracked from Cycling. I did need to mop my house though. Lol!

Thank you so much for the donation! It really helps!
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Yeah. I'm ok. Just hurts. I accidentally kicked the chrome table leg of my coffee table.

Aw!!! Ouchies. I hope you heal swiftly. I remember when I broke my tailbone, my booty was colourful like that.:p and when I broke my nose it just went black and my eyes were black for months!
Aw!!! Ouchies. I hope you heal swiftly. I remember when I broke my tailbone, my booty was colourful like that.:p and when I broke my nose it just went black and my eyes were black for months!

Ooh yeah. I know how that feels too!!! When I was pregnant with my youngest, he broke my tailbone with his big fat head 2 months before he was born. It was awful. They couldn't do anything about it.
Morning everyone! <3​


Understood. Ugh. I took cough medicine last night and now I feel all drunky.

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Omg! Did I tell you guys what happened??? I broke my toe last Friday! Gonna put pics. It's all colorful. hurts. :(
OH NO!!! ; __ ; I hope it heals up fast soon for you!!! ; A ;

didn't expect this to be in the basement lol

well atleast I'll post here more often now :lemon:
Same here!! But it's understandable due to the large increase of "Teams" ahahaha XD
YAY!~ Looking forward to seeing you join in the chat with us! <3

Anyone want to join another team? You only need to pay 10 TBT! It would be fun being part of 2 teams! :)

Team Magica is my new team that i've created.

Team Magica would like to work with Team Popsicle!
Congrats on making a new team!! :D I don't think I'll be joining any other team since I have my hands full with this and my gfx shop ahaha!~ Good luck though! :D

I suppose the basement forum is most appropriate. We can now talk as much as we want haha.
YEEEE!~ Fluffy sensei needs to join in on the fun more! <:

Think I'm about to go back to cycling. 4 down. 12 more to go :)

Just sent some donation $$$. Not a lot but hope it helps.

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I keep getting sidetracked from Cycling. I did need to mop my house though. Lol!
Ahhh thank you so much!!! ;//v//; We truly appreciate the donations! <3
can't wait for the next raffle!! waaahoooo lol :3
So happy you guys are excited about the next raffle!! Good luck to everyone!! >//v//< <3 Also I'll be brainstorming a bit more about our weekly activity! Look forward to it! c:
So happy you guys are excited about the next raffle!! Good luck to everyone!! >//v//< <3 Also I'll be brainstorming a bit more about our weekly activity! Look forward to it! c:

will do! good luck ~ c:
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