Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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I had too I'm sorry xD ahaha!!
I so just got my butt handed to me playing mk8 on 200cc with my youngest and oldest.
You should name your self Popsicle Queen. I know its random to say!
Not random at all!!! Hahaha I don't like the "Queen" part though XD

I had too I'm sorry xD ahaha!!

I so just got my butt handed to me playing mk8 on 200cc with my youngest and oldest.
OH NO!! YOU CAN DO IT!!! Beat them next time and tell them all their wins prior doesn't count ;D Ahahaha (jk) XD

Hi there, just saw that Team Popsicle was moved to the basement:)
Hey roseflower!! :D How are you doing? c: And yeah! All the teams have been moved to the basement! c: That means we can actually chat more with each other without having to worry about getting in trouble! :D (Rules still applies though and posted on the first page! c: )
yeahh wish they'd had one for a popsicle!! it has a freakn mustache ahahah x3 now who doesn't like that LOL
Hey roseflower!! :D How are you doing? c: And yeah! All the teams have been moved to the basement! c: That means we can actually chat more with each other without having to worry about getting in trouble! :D (Rules still applies though and posted on the first page! c: )

That?s great, more chat more fun hehe:D But seriously, I guess it would have been too much teams for the marketplace, so we were moved.
I wish everybody a nice day<3
Ha! I suck at 200cc lol!!! It'll prob be years before I master it!!!
AWWW!! Hahahaha (you couulldd try to distract them to not pay attention to the game ;D Bwuahahaha!!! Of course I'm joking XD but that would be funny ahaha)

yeahh wish they'd had one for a popsicle!! it has a freakn mustache ahahah x3 now who doesn't like that LOL
SAME!!! That would be too adorable on a popsicle omg ahahaha XD

That?s great, more chat more fun hehe:D But seriously, I guess it would have been too much teams for the marketplace, so we were moved.
I wish everybody a nice day<3
Yesss!~ <3 Also yeah ahaha after we made Team Popsicle a few days later there were like over 5 other teams made XD Which was definitely cluttering the TBT Market place haha XD

I hope you have a great day as well! <3
Uh, well its for my cycling town xD
I'm hoping a T1 villager will give it a boost. Or high T2 like Julian, Erik and Punchy

I'm very impatient and all I've gotten is Mathilda and Bianca
Uh, well its for my cycling town xD
I'm hoping a T1 villager will give it a boost. Or high T2 like Julian, Erik and Punchy

I'm very impatient and all I've gotten is Mathilda and Bianca

I hope you find one! By the way, I have Bianca in my town, she?s a cute peppy villager:D
Uh, well its for my cycling town xD
I'm hoping a T1 villager will give it a boost. Or high T2 like Julian, Erik and Punchy

I'm very impatient and all I've gotten is Mathilda and Bianca

I had mostly T1/T2 villagers in my campsite, but I already had all my dreamies in my town that I wanted so yea.. quite a shame to see them go like that ; v;
I had mostly T1/T2 villagers in my campsite, but I already had all my dreamies in my town that I wanted so yea.. quite a shame to see them go like that ; v;

same, I was set on Lucky and had to say goodbyr to Lolly, Diana, Fauna, so on. It only took me 72 resets for him, so I guess I'm lucky

same, I was set on Lucky and had to say goodbyr to Lolly, Diana, Fauna, so on. It only took me 72 resets for him, so I guess I'm lucky


aw, i see.. yeah I want to get Diana or Fauna back ; v; but sadly I have to do that stupid 16 villager cycling thing so I'm slowly moving my villagers one by one that I don't want anymore ~
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