Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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Time to say goodnight! Rematch vs Dallas tomorrow! (stupid rain)
I need some sleep. I'll try to chat with all of you people!


Hope you d̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ wake up <3
Time to say goodnight! Rematch vs Dallas tomorrow! (stupid rain)
I need some sleep. I'll try to chat with all of you people!


Night Neester!
Time to say goodnight! Rematch vs Dallas tomorrow! (stupid rain)
I need some sleep. I'll try to chat with all of you people!


Gnight neester! c:

Her songs are generally sad and its even worse to know that she was in so much pain. :c
But she's such an amazing singer, ugh!

The struggle is real

We are still looking for more people to volunteer their name for this weekly event! ;D To read more information about this event, please look at the OP on the bottom of my first post! c: This event will be starting Sunday!!! Hope you guys are looking forward to it! <3

✧ Are you okay with being on the name list permanently (meaning in future "Who will get smacked with a popsicle" events, we can automatically use your username/nickname)?- Yes ^_^
✧ Name you'll like to enter [It can be your username or your nickname ONLY]: misspiggy95

✧ Are you okay with being on the name list permanently (meaning in future "Who will get smacked with a popsicle" events, we can automatically use your username/nickname)?- [Y/N] Yeeeee
✧ Name you'll like to enter [It can be your username or your nickname ONLY]:

Thanks bby
Goodnight everyone! Tomorrow I get to wake up to more packing hurray

Also, thank you Miharu for the raffles and weekly events! :) It makes being a member here even more fun~

✧ Are you okay with being on the name list permanently (meaning in future "Who will get smacked with a popsicle" events, we can automatically use your username/nickname)?- yes
✧ Name you'll like to enter [It can be your username or your nickname ONLY]: Shannon
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✧ Are you okay with being on the name list permanently (meaning in future "Who will get smacked with a popsicle" events, we can automatically use your username/nickname)?- No
✧ Name you'll like to enter [It can be your username or your nickname ONLY]: The Amazing Unicorn

✧ Are you okay with being on the name list permanently (meaning in future "Who will get smacked with a popsicle" events, we can automatically use your username/nickname)?- Yes ^_^
✧ Name you'll like to enter [It can be your username or your nickname ONLY]: misspiggy95

Added!! <3 Thanks!! >//v//<


✧ Are you okay with being on the name list permanently (meaning in future "Who will get smacked with a popsicle" events, we can automatically use your username/nickname)?- [Y/N] Yeeeee
✧ Name you'll like to enter [It can be your username or your nickname ONLY]:

Thanks bby

Goodnight everyone! Tomorrow I get to wake up to more packing hurray

Also, thank you Miharu for the raffles and weekly events! :) It makes being a member here even more fun~
Good night!! I hope you have a great night!! <3

No problem at all!!! ;//v//; I'm glad you guys have fun here!! We are currently thinking of other events we could do for you guys!! also one that is free to play as well!! This first event is just to help with donations (also to make donations more fun! since we are in need of more tbt for the group restock!) XD


✧ Are you okay with being on the name list permanently (meaning in future "Who will get smacked with a popsicle" events, we can automatically use your username/nickname)?- yes
✧ Name you'll like to enter [It can be your username or your nickname ONLY]: Shannon

Added!! Thanks!!! Ahh Shannon is such a cute name!! >//v/<
HTML Code:

✧ Are you okay with being on the name list permanently (meaning in future "Who will get smacked with a popsicle" events, we can automatically use your username/nickname)?- [Y/N] Yes of course you can Hun
✧ Name you'll like to enter [It can be your username or your nickname ONLY]:
Dark Lord Daniel

My face is to pretty to get smacked though....
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Noooo it's a horrible name!

Guys I'm having a huge dilemma, I really want Whitney in my town as she's in my cycling town but I have 10 villagers in my main!

Who would you get rid of? I have 3 lazies and 4 normals so between them I think.. :c my villagers are in my sig~
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