Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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-Shoots Self- ugh I want to the Jackpot Bet! I Love Gambling xP

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Miharu I hope you get smacked with a popsicle lol xP if I Lose Im'a Die! xP Wish Everyone The Best Of Luck!!!
-Shoots Self- ugh I want to the Jackpot Bet! I Love Gambling xP

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HTML Code:

Miharu I hope you get smacked with a popsicle lol xP if I Lose Im'a Die! xP Wish Everyone The Best Of Luck!!!
Hahahaha!!! XD I actually wouldn't mind getting smacked with a popsicle as long as I get to eat it ;D Bwuahaha!~

Oops, haven't been on here in a while *waves awkwardly*
HIII!!!! >//v//< *waves back*!!! Glad to see you!! How have you been? c:
I am broken ;3;

Omg noooo!!! -hugs- ;v ; I hope you no longer trip while standing still!!! Hahaha XD

Oh talking about tripping/falling I remember one time when I was younger, I woke up in the middle of the night cause I had to use the restroom, but I was really really tired, so I just tiredly crawled out of my bed and starting walking out of my room, I hit my door, fell on the ground, and fell back asleep. XD
Omg noooo!!! -hugs- ;v ; I hope you no longer trip while standing still!!! Hahaha XD

Oh talking about tripping/falling I remember one time when I was younger, I woke up in the middle of the night cause I had to use the restroom, but I was really really tired, so I just tiredly crawled out of my bed and starting walking out of my room, I hit my door, fell on the ground, and fell back asleep. XD

I just fall and am funky and weird and no good :p
Noooooo way

Don't doubt it!!! <: We all know you are cool and awesome! <:

OH!! Btw, just to double check since I've never been on tbt during halloween, do candy collectibles always come out during halloween in the tbt shop? O:
Don't doubt it!!! <: We all know you are cool and awesome! <:

OH!! Btw, just to double check since I've never been on tbt during halloween, do candy collectibles always come out during halloween in the tbt shop? O:

yes, for the past few years you can find the candys during halloween
yes, for the past few years you can find the candys during halloween

YAY!!! Thank you!!! ;//v//; How many do they restock? O: Is it like unlimited for a certain time, or is this like a regular restock where it's war and all restocked items are gone in less than a minute? XD
YAY!!! Thank you!!! ;//v//; How many do they restock? O: Is it like unlimited for a certain time, or is this like a regular restock where it's war and all restocked items are gone in less than a minute? XD

Blue, green, and red are all limited, yellow has been unlimited. It is usually a war for collectibles.
omg miharu you're promoting gambling now!?!? tsk tsk... LOL jk this is a great event idea! I'm kinda scared to enter though ;v; I never win games
Wait Miharu I cant gamble Im underage I need a refund lol xP

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Aww miharu why u quit gfx im always trying to get gfx lol xP
Blue, green, and red are all limited, yellow has been unlimited. It is usually a war for collectibles.

OHH!! Thanks for the heads up!! XD And yeah ; v; Hahaha!!

omg miharu you're promoting gambling now!?!? tsk tsk... LOL jk this is a great event idea! I'm kinda scared to enter though ;v; I never win games
Shhhh ;D Bwuahahah and d'aww no worries!! I made the event mainly based around donations hahaha! I just thought it'll be a fun idea to add prizes if you win and such, which ended up to being a bet XD

Wait Miharu I cant gamble Im underage I need a refund lol xP

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Aww miharu why u quit gfx im always trying to get gfx lol xP

Hahaha! XD You can't gamble real life money ;3

Oh I didn't quit ahaha I've been too busy with Team Popsicle to make any new gfx XD I'm actually working on my profile for my gfx shop though!~ Just not opened yet. Don't know when I'll open it back up yet though XD Depends on when I finish the layout for the shop hahaha
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