Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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May I please be in yellow? It's my favourite colour!
Added!!! :D

Can I be in the freezing popsicles?
Of course! :D Added!~



Will be starting in one hour! :D
its insane how active this group is :p its tough reading through the 30 new pages every time i come on xD
Hi everybody:) Team Popsicle will soon reach 200 pages, amazing!
Also congrats to the raffle winner!
I'm surprised at the fact we are almost at 200 pages as well!! ; v; It's crazy!!! Ahahah it's all thanks to all the lovely members/soon to be members/awesome people :D

its insane how active this group is :p its tough reading through the 30 new pages every time i come on xD
It really is! XD ahahaha!!! Welcome back on btw! :D


Welcome to our weekly event, "Who will get smacked by a popsicle!" A short summary is that this event is a betting event! All entry fees will go towards our donation pool, while all winning fees we give out, comes straight from our own tbt wallet! There's also a "Jackpot" you could enter where you could win one of my popsicles!! (To enter the Jackpot, please read on!)

This event will end on Saturday (8/29/15) at 8pm PST time! Winners will then be announced shortly after! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! c:


✧ You ARE allowed to edit your entries, but if you do PLEASE NOTIFY me first. I'll be keeping track of your entries on a word document! c:

✧ Once the event ends, no more edits shall be allowed! You have until Saturday (8/29/15) at 8pm PST time to edit your last guesses!

✧ Once you place your bet, you may not retract it! You may, however, increase your bet before the event ends!

✧ Please use this format for your guesses! Remember the order of your guesses IS IMPORTANT!


To enter please send me 50tbt or more as your bet! Before you send the tbt, please write a message that the tbt was for the weekly event! c: Once you send 50tbt or more you may then choose 3 guesses out of this name list! Please note that the order of your guesses IS IMPORTANT!

✧ Miharu

✧ Ardrey

✧ Evvie

✧ Cadbberry

✧ AppleBitterCrumble

✧ DaCoSim

✧ misspiggy95

✧ Jacob

✧ Shannon

✧ The Amazing Unicorn

✧ Dark Lord Daniel

✧ Mario

✧ Luigi

✧ A dead potato

✧ The Popsicle Demon


To enter the "Jackpot" you must pay a minimum of 200tbt or more and state somewhere that your entry if for the Jackpot! Not ONLY that you'll only be able to get 1 guess compared to 3 guesses! If you get the guess correct, you'll get a popsicle! If not, then your tbt entry shall go towards the donation pool for Team Popsicle! c:

We will also be giving away a maximum of 2 popsicles! So if more than 3 people guessed correctly, only 2/3 of them shall receive the popsicle! HOWEVER, if you are the 3rd person or beyond to guess right, you'll get TRIPLE the tbt you had bet with instead of a popsicle! c:


To win the normal betting, you'll need to guess the correct person who will be getting smacked with a popsicle! (No one will know who will get smacked until the event ends and we draw out the name of who will get smacked with a popsicle! c: ) Depending on the order of your guess, will depend on how much tbt you'll earn/receive back!

For example:
If The Popsicle Demon was going to be smacked by a popsicle and you guessed him as your;

1st guess: You'll get TRIPLE the tbt you had bet!
2nd guess: You'll get DOUBLE the tbt you had bet!
3rd guess: You'll get the tbt amount you placed as a bet back! c:


ALL of these entry fees will go towards the donation pool (we will be splitting half and half towards the group donation and the popsicle donation, you may also tell us which donation pool you'll like it to go in if you want it in a specific one. We are honestly trying to get more towards the group donation since we will need as much tbt as we can get since group restocks will become very expensive). Jacob and I have no plans to ever try to make a profit out of Team Popsicle and the donations. We are doing everything for free and for fun! As for where the winning tbt will come from, that would come from our own pockets and not the donation pool's.


I know other teams will be reading this, so please DO NOT copy my idea ; v ; It took me a few days to actually think and plan this all out. If you'll like to use this idea in your Team, please PM/VM me or at least credit me for it. Thank you! ; v;

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