Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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I wish they had strawberries =w= huehuehue
I feel like they won't accept the watermelon as of now because its not in ACNL? Like they accepted the popsicle because of the contest and all, but since the contest is over, I don't think collectibles non-related to Animal Crossing have a shot :/

I believe other good collectibles would be the Persimmon, Banana, coconut, etc. Like other fruits in the game- maybe even a wetsuit :rolleyes:
AHAH! omg.. I have the Korilakkuma one as you can see on my chibi ahem* ;DDD <3
my bf has the Stitches one!! it's sooo adorable and he has pocket in his!!! ; v; i wanted pockets in mine, but its ok!!!
i got the fluffy tail lol.
AHHH I wanted the korilakkuma <3 So cute!! So many cute kigurumis hahaha ;v; But wallet </3 XD

AHH THAT'S CUTE AHAHA!! He should have gotten Rilakkuma to match yours!! XD

owo Guys I need your opinion....
I was gonna make a petition for a tbt beach party watermelon collectible, and I was gonna use this in it:

View attachment 144626


(the other two are for reference)

Do you think I did a good enough job photoshopping it? xD
OH Okay I can see why popsicle and swirl won XD Watermelon looks like idk how to explain, sharper compared the the popsicle and swirl XD But I still want a watermelon collectible ahahaha

ya it looks awsome, but technically there wasn't even supposed to be popsicle because it won 2nd place. They accepted it because it was 1 vote off, so I doubt they will make that collectible :/
THANK GOD THEY ACCEPTED IT!!! ; v; I probably wouldn't have gotten into collectibles if it wasn't for the popsicle hahaha <3

Waterrrmeloon!!! ; v;

I wish they had strawberries =w= huehuehue
OHHH YEAHH!! Also I want cotton candy and a lollipop collectible! ;v ; <3 OR GUDETAMAAAAA AHAH
Say goodbye to the old team cake ;w;
Even though you guys probably don't really care ;w;
We're opening a new thread for it a making it twice as better! :3
Say goodbye to the old team cake ;w;
Even though you guys probably don't really care ;w;
We're opening a new thread for it a making it twice as better! :3

I think this should've been in the Team Cake's thread to let everyone know beforehand lol
I wish they had strawberries =w= huehuehue

That would actually be really sweet, I hope they are in the new game, like strawberry bushes :eek:
THANK GOD THEY ACCEPTED IT!!! ; v; I probably wouldn't have gotten into collectibles if it wasn't for the popsicle hahaha <3
ya me neither xD
I wouldve actually went for all the japanese letters I guess, so that would just drain my BTB xD
We should have a birthday cake collectible that you get on your birthday, that you cant gift so you cant sell, but its a special birthday gift id think would be cool.
That would actually be really sweet, I hope they are in the new game, like strawberry bushes :eek:

ya me neither xD
I wouldve actually went for all the japanese letters I guess, so that would just drain my BTB xD

OH TRUE THAT ahahaha my number one favorite would have been the japanese letters then XD But if it weren't for the popsicle we would have never came up with "Team Popsicle" ahahaha!~ I only need the yellow "no" japanese letter now ; v ; But 10k tbt is so much </3 I hope it gets restocked soon ahaha I want the whole set <3
We should have a birthday cake collectible that you get on your birthday, that you cant gift so you cant sell, but its a special birthday gift id think would be cool.

thats alot of birthday cakes then for every birthday each year xD
We should have a birthday cake collectible that you get on your birthday, that you cant gift so you cant sell, but its a special birthday gift id think would be cool.

OHH!!! They should make it look super cool and have it a maximum of 10 cakes you can receive to make it look all fancy and nice ahahaha!~ Once you gather all 10, then something amazing should happen! I don't know ahahaha XD It does sound cool though <:
ya it looks awsome, but technically there wasn't even supposed to be popsicle because it won 2nd place. They accepted it because it was 1 vote off, so I doubt they will make that collectible :/

;o; Well, true. Still, more diverse collectibles would be nice. And I know of quite a few ones floating around on here that aren't in NL, but still.

Staff won't accept that as a collectible.

I know, it was just a horribly photoshopped mashup of the watermelon with the swirl/popsicle background. It would hopefully get popularity and possibly be officially made.

OH Okay I can see why popsicle and swirl won XD Watermelon looks like idk how to explain, sharper compared the the popsicle and swirl XD But I still want a watermelon collectible ahahaha

XD I know, my rendition looks horrible. If anything, maybe still release it just to have a full TBT Beach Party set? And the choppy edges could be compared to a Weird Doll if you look at it long enough e.e
;~; I just think maybe a new fresh set of collectibles would be nice to have released on the forum. Maybe as 2016 for the final year of AC:NL? One can hope! cx
XD I know, my rendition looks horrible. If anything, maybe still release it just to have a full TBT Beach Party set? And the choppy edges could be compared to a Weird Doll if you look at it long enough e.e
;~; I just think maybe a new fresh set of collectibles would be nice to have released on the forum. Maybe as 2016 for the final year of AC:NL? One can hope! cx

Naw, your rendition was perfect! You got the background perfect and it looks amazing!
Miharu was saying that the actual watermelon looks a little less realistic, it looks a little bit, idk how to say it, u know? (I am sorry if I am offending anyone, but I thinks its a little to amature to be an official collectible)
Maybe if someone remakes it with less bold colors, it would look AMAZING!
Naw, your rendition was perfect! You got the background perfect and it looks amazing!
Miharu was saying that the actual watermelon looks a little less realistic, it looks a little bit, idk how to say it, u know? (I am sorry if I am offending anyone, but I thinks its a little to amature to be an official collectible)
Maybe if someone remakes it with less bold colors, it would look AMAZING!

XD It looks choppy and doesn't fuse/blend into the background like the others? I also noticed that, I just wasn't gonna fix it yet. Later tonight after karate I'll try to blot and lighten the edges, and give it some depth, so it looks like it's real. I just wanted to make a basic one if I were to start a petition, which I probably won't now. But at least this will get me doing art again! ^-^
XD I know, my rendition looks horrible. If anything, maybe still release it just to have a full TBT Beach Party set? And the choppy edges could be compared to a Weird Doll if you look at it long enough e.e
;~; I just think maybe a new fresh set of collectibles would be nice to have released on the forum. Maybe as 2016 for the final year of AC:NL? One can hope! cx
Ohh!! I wouldn't doubt that we wouldn't have any new collectibles soon! <: Probably on the anniversary they'll release more! :D I'm looking forward to it! <3

Hat trick! (look it up)

Is it like a google thing with the "Do a barrel roll?" XD
Ohh!! I wouldn't doubt that we wouldn't have any new collectibles soon! <: Probably on the anniversary they'll release more! :D I'm looking forward to it! <3

Is it like a google thing with the "Do a barrel roll?" XD

facepalms the planet. It's a soccer term xD
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