Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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If you see that thread please post the link here, I might be interested :D


In other stuff, we should stop saying that they are worth 1k, we (well mainly you guys) have pretty much a monopsony, so we have the power to affect its price downwards for our benefit...

I'll definitely let you guys know if I see the auction going on!! c:

Ahh well that's what the guide price is going for!~ So that's why we are saying it's 1k , since most people have been/are looking to buy them for 1k tbt > A < As much as I would love to see the price drop down for you guys, I don't think it would happen since there's so much demand for them ; v; (But that's basically why Jacob and I, and anyone on Team Popsicle will be trying to get a popsicle so we can raffle it off to you guys!~ It won't be for free, but hopefully cheaper with the donation pool in tact!) :D

I'm not in the club because I don't have a popsicle but I thought I'd share this cute signature I made:


Feel free to use it if you'd like! :D
D'AWWWW THAT'S SO CUTE!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! <3 I'll be adding all the sigs we receive to my OP once I edit it!!!
Oh lol. I sent a yellow candy, a red candy and 73 TBT for the team.
Thank you so much for your donation Slammint! :D
I wish I could join team poopsicle
I'm hoping you get a popsicle soon!! :cool:
I'm in process of editing the OP and the thread title now!! (I'm sorry I'm pretty slow ahahaha!~)
Would anyone in here mind selling me a Popsicle for 550tbt Ik it's a bit low but I don't think I'll make enough tbt for it :( well thanks.
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