Giveaway Team Popsicle's Candy Giveaway! c: {Winner announced!}

You've been added to the list! :D
And d'aww thank you!! >//v//<

many thanks to you and your team for doing this ^-^
I'd like to enter! Hopefully we can get those group thing back so the Team's can be official c:
I'd like to enter! Hopefully we can get those group thing back so the Team's can be official c:

You've been added to the list! :D And yess!! I hope so too!! We got the Group petition to 100 signatures already too! XD
I would like to enter, please. thanks for doing this, and thanks for answering my pita questions.

your team is the teamiest!
I'd like to enter, please!

I tried entering earlier but my internet went down for some reason DDDD:
I'd like to enter! Thanks for hosting this giveaway! It's super kind ^-^