Giveaway Team Popsicle's Candy Giveaway! c: {Winner announced!}

Entries are now up to date! :D Good luck everyone!! c: Entries will be closing soon! {2 hours and 48 minutes from now!}

SCRATCH THAT LOL Whoops I thought today was the 29th! This is actually ending tomorrow at 11pm PST time ahaha XD Sorry for the confusion!
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Entries will be closing at exactly 11pm PST time! So if anyone else enters after 11pm, it will not count!! Sorry! ; v ; The drawing shall take place once I get home from work! :D So probably in about 30 minutes to 1 hour! c: Good luck everyone! <3
I'd like to enter this ^.^ I never win anything(unlucky), but might as well go for it.

Really awesome giveaway btw. This is so kind of you.
I'd like to enter this ^.^ I never win anything(unlucky), but might as well go for it.

Really awesome giveaway btw. This is so kind of you.

You've been added to the list! :D And aww thank you!! >/v//< Good luck! :)
Less then 3 hours till entries close guys! I am checking in on you since Miharu is at work!
Entries are now closed! :) I will be updating the entry list once I get home from work! I will then be drawing the winner! Good luck everyone! (≧∇≦)b
I just got home and entries are now up to date! :D I'm putting all the entries in the randomizer now! c: