"It was a dark and stormy night, because all important stories take place on that, on this night Punchy had been killed, only the two memelords remained, Raymond and Bob, the public could not decide what was better, the maid dress meme, or nobody's around to help, so the public and their twisted ideas decided to make them fight to the death over memes
"The public in general sucks, so they gave the unsuspecting cats each a katana, a shotgun, and diamond armor from Minecraft"
" the public then proceeded to yeet both cats into a gigantic stage shaped like a box, the consequence of losing wasn't death...
"the two cats had literally no idea what the fudge they were supposed to do until the public started chanting "fight fight fight"
oh and some idiot kept throwing maid dresses so naturally raymond's stress levels were at 700
Bob on the other hand was fine until people started holding up posters with weird art which made his stress levels also 700"
" some announcer guy started telling them the loser of the fight would be put in boxes"
*boxes start getting thrown at both of them*
"If ya couldn't tell everyone is MESSED UP so the poor cats had to put on dresses, a blossom dress, and a maid dress to the cats that match each... If you ask me, I was the only sane person there
If the public had REALLY cared about the poor cats then they would have noticed the look on their faces that practically begging for something NORMAL to happen for once.. Anyways where was i? Oh yeah so they had to put on dresses
Bob was quite new to this crap so he wasn't used to it at all, raymond however didn't even care at this point
Now Bob always talks about bugs and stuff, but very few people know he isn't talking about bugs... When somebody is spying on you they call it "getting bugged" so Bob is the head of the fbi, he needed a plan fast to get out of this hecc
Don't think raymond didn't have a plan too though...
(Just some info : everyone in the audience are idiots who think weird art and the maid dress meme is cool except the teller of the story idk me I guess? Who can't do anything to stop the fight)
except the fbi can't find the place because they're in a pirate ship... at the middle of the sea
basically both of the cats got locked in a room until the tournament because some idiot tried to steal the diamonds and it caused a fight in the audience
except there's a furnace inside of the room they're in, so they smelted the armor for diamonds and mined their way out of the room by crafting a pickaxe
they started sneaking around and of course people are filming tiktoks in public and everyone's acting room temperature IQ