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General DIYs

- basement flooring
- iron garden table
- ironwood cupboard
- windflower crown
Pickup/Deliver: deliver
Island: Manuka
Buying: DIY birdcage, pile of Zen cushions
Trading: I'm pretty sure I have more than two DIY your looking for on my list here.
Pickup/Deliver: deliver
Island: Manuka
Buying: DIY birdcage, pile of Zen cushions
Trading: I'm pretty sure I have more than two DIY your looking for on my list here.
Hello, I'm interested in the wooden-block chest and wooden full-length mirror DIYs.
If you're ready to trade now, I may prepare a code shortly.
Pickup/Deliver: Pickup
Island: Willow
  • shellfish pochette
  • bamboo wand
  • bamboo stopblock
  • cherry hat
  • gold armor
  • peach hat
  • tulip surprise box
  • windflower crown
  • acoustic guitar
  • document stack
  • giant teddy bear
  • ironwood chair
  • shell bed
  • shell rug
  • signpost
  • stone lion-dog
Pickup/Deliver: Pickup
Island: Willow
  • shellfish pochette
  • bamboo wand
  • bamboo stopblock
  • cherry hat
  • gold armor
  • peach hat
  • tulip surprise box
  • windflower crown
  • acoustic guitar
  • document stack
  • giant teddy bear
  • ironwood chair
  • shell bed
  • shell rug
  • signpost
  • stone lion-dog
Hello, sounds good. I'll get them ready and may prepare a code if you're fine with trading now.
Pickup/Deliver: Pickup
Island: (>")>
Buying: Garden wagon diy, woodland wall diy, wooden mosiac wall diy, windflower crown diy, iron garden table diy, ironwood cupboard diy, honeycomb flooring diy, honeycomb wall diy
Trading: All camping cot colours, light blue lantern, portable green radio

Sorry I'm not good with general prices for NH yet, so I just put 8 items for the diys since I'm trading 8 items in return; lmk if that's fine!
Pickup/Deliver: Pickup
Island: (>")>
Buying: Garden wagon diy, woodland wall diy, wooden mosiac wall diy, windflower crown diy, iron garden table diy, ironwood cupboard diy, honeycomb flooring diy, honeycomb wall diy
Trading: All camping cot colours, light blue lantern, portable green radio

Sorry I'm not good with general prices for NH yet, so I just put 8 items for the diys since I'm trading 8 items in return; lmk if that's fine!
Hello, everything else is fine aside from the windflower crown DIY which was bought right before you.
Feel free to swap it out or remove an item from what you're trading.
Hello, everything else is fine aside from the windflower crown DIY which was bought right before you.
Feel free to swap it out or remove an item from what you're trading.
My bad, didn't see that. I'll add the ironwood clock diy instead! c:
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