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  1. TBT Bells
  2. Wishlist Items
Hi I would like
bamboo bench
garden bench
bamboo stool
pond stone
ruined arch
ruined broken pillar
western style stone

Azumaya Gazebo
Streetlamp with banners(do you have 6 of them? Because I would like six)

Timezone CST, available at any hour of the day, depends if not busy which i don't see today

That should be 80 TBT total including 6 of streetlamp with banner
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Hi I would like
bamboo bench
garden bench
bamboo stool
pond stone
ruined arch
ruined broken pillar
western style stone

Azumaya Gazebo
Streetlamp with banners(do you have 6 of them? Because I would like six)

That should be 80 TBT total including 6 of streetlamp with banner
Hello, If you're fine with just the one streetlamp with banners (55 TBT total), please "like" this reply.
I'm offering one as I've only one currently.
ok, I was thinking you had a lot but didn't want to sell all of them so I wasn't sure. 55 TBT it is, let me know when you're available. You prefer pickup right?
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Cause your online status is hidden, I don't know when you're available. Is there an hour of the day when you're available? Also is it alright i receive the 55 tbt back for now? I'll send it back when i get the items.
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