Termina Cafe

Ok we need food....

any Odd wqill be taking over in my absense so for now he is uped to ....well not manager....more like... the position just ever so slightly less than manager.

Basicaly odd just run the place and if anything on the front page needs to be changed PM me about it and I'll get to it eventually.
Koehler said:
Oh no! I'm making the staff mad here!

oh that is it now you even say you got me mad!
well I'll fix you with the rancor pit! *pushes button falls in hole* NOOOO!! I for got that was the wrong trap door!!!!

*Rancor emerges, I take out a rancor treat from my pocket and throw it, then make a break for the door, enters code, gets out*
*gasp* pant pant*
Now what was I doing?