GTRRAFHHSGAGHGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!SPORGE27 said:oh that is it now you even say you got me mad!Koehler said:Oh no! I'm making the staff mad here!
well I'll fix you with the rancor pit! *pushes button falls in hole* NOOOO!! I for got that was the wrong trap door!!!!
*Rancor emerges, I take out a rancor treat from my pocket and throw it, then make a break for the door, enters code, gets out*
*gasp* pant pant*
Now what was I doing?
RUN FOR YOUR LIVES. *Presses Blow Up Cafe Button*
Cafe to be destroyed in 10, Everyone get into the Excape Pod! 8,7,6,5, HURRY! 3, I don't care I'm leaving without you guys! 1 KABOOOLOOOMMMMM!!!!!!
Well we can have a Cafe in the Escape Pod.