Termina Cafe


....... I just had to do that. :lol:</big>
<big><big><big><big><big>SPEELINGS I$ 4 CHUMpZZ11!!!!1!shirft!!!!eleclamationpoint!1!!!!</big></big></big></big></big><big><big><big><big><big></big></big></big></big></big><big>
<big><big><big><big><big>HOLD IT!</big></big></big></big></big><big><big>

Shouting out Phoenix Wright quotes is my thing!

...And proper spelling makes you look good on the internet. Bad spelling makes you look bad.
Triforce3force said:
<big><big><big><big><big>HOLD IT!</big></big></big></big></big><big><big>

Shouting out Phoenix Wright quotes is my thing!

...And proper spelling makes you look good on the internet. Bad spelling makes you look bad. </big></big>

wat ur smokin? speelins fr chumpz!</big>
Triforce3force said:
<big><big><big><big><big>HOLD IT!</big></big></big></big></big><big><big>

Shouting out Phoenix Wright quotes is my thing!

...And proper spelling makes you look good on the internet. Bad spelling makes you look bad. </big></big>

It takes two lawyers to shout back and forth at each other like this!</big></big></big>
SPORGE27 said:
Triforce3force said:
<big><big><big><big><big>HOLD IT!</big></big></big></big></big><big><big>

Shouting out Phoenix Wright quotes is my thing!

...And proper spelling makes you look good on the internet. Bad spelling makes you look bad. </big></big>

It takes two lawyers to shout back and forth at each other like this! </big></big></big></big>
Of course! We're a regular pair of Phoenix and Edgeworth, shouting back and forth like this. Minus all the crazed fangirls, of course.

*Edgeworth bow*</big>
Triforce3force said:
SPORGE27 said:
Triforce3force said:
<big><big><big><big><big>HOLD IT!</big></big></big></big></big><big><big>

Shouting out Phoenix Wright quotes is my thing!

...And proper spelling makes you look good on the internet. Bad spelling makes you look bad. </big></big>

It takes two lawyers to shout back and forth at each other like this! </big></big></big></big>
Of course! We're a regular pair of Phoenix and Edgeworth, shouting back and forth like this. Minus all the crazed fangirls, of course.

*Edgeworth bow* </big></big></big></big>

Too much Phoenix Wright got me temp. banned from the Mafia game.

....but now I have a little better deductive skills, and I like banging tables with my hand.

Yay for Phoenix Wright!
Triforce3force said:
Too much Phoenix Wright got me temp. banned from the Mafia game.

....but now I have a little better deductive skills, and I like banging tables with my hand.

Yay for Phoenix Wright!
I really want to play the second one without buying it... this is why I hope my brother 8is getting it or already got it and is willing to let me borrow it sometime....
SPORGE27 said:
Triforce3force said:
Too much Phoenix Wright got me temp. banned from the Mafia game.

....but now I have a little better deductive skills, and I like banging tables with my hand.

Yay for Phoenix Wright!
I really want to play the second one without buying it... this is why I hope my brother 8is getting it or already got it and is willing to let me borrow it sometime....
In my opinion, the second one isnt as good as the first...but I still enjoyed it.

You can't beat the big mystery of that DL-6 case, or the SL-9.

Gengar said:
SPORGE27 said:
Triforce3force said:
Too much Phoenix Wright got me temp. banned from the Mafia game.

....but now I have a little better deductive skills, and I like banging tables with my hand.

Yay for Phoenix Wright!
I really want to play the second one without buying it... this is why I hope my brother 8is getting it or already got it and is willing to let me borrow it sometime....
In my opinion, the second one isnt as good as the first...but I still enjoyed it.

You can't beat the big mystery of that DL-6 case, or the SL-9.

*sips cocoa* I agree. But number 2 was quite enjoyable also. My favorite cases are the 4th and 5th cases of the first game, and the final case of the 2nd game.

*thinks to self: Hmm....they all heavily involve Edgeworth*. :r

... But that aside, you couldn't beat the mystery of those two cases. I figured a bit of case 4 and 5 out before Phoenix did, so I felt smart. :lol:
Triforce3force said:
Gengar said:
SPORGE27 said:
Triforce3force said:
Too much Phoenix Wright got me temp. banned from the Mafia game.

....but now I have a little better deductive skills, and I like banging tables with my hand.

Yay for Phoenix Wright!
I really want to play the second one without buying it... this is why I hope my brother 8is getting it or already got it and is willing to let me borrow it sometime....
In my opinion, the second one isnt as good as the first...but I still enjoyed it.

You can't beat the big mystery of that DL-6 case, or the SL-9.

*sips cocoa* I agree. But number 2 was quite enjoyable also. My favorite cases are the 4th and 5th cases of the first game, and the final case of the 2nd game.

*thinks to self: Hmm....they all heavily involve Edgeworth*. :r

... But that aside, you couldn't beat the mystery of those two cases. I figured a bit of case 4 and 5 out before Phoenix did, so I felt smart. :lol:


I figured out the mystery of the SL-9 case before Phoenix did...

And, I hate that evil...*searches for name*...Mr. Gant now!

*realizes this is a cafe and not a Phoenix discussion room*

*grabbs cocoa and some food*

Thats the thing about Phoenix Wright...it really makes you hate/heavily dislike some of the people in there. *looks at Mr. Gant, Mr. White, Ms. Von Karma*

The only person the game seemed to want you to hate, that I liked, was MR. von Karma....his voice rocked.
