TF2: Highlander Challenge

It has to be said, first round... TBT Vs. MLG L337 mufukas. That's my bet anyway.
Never the less, Seems I am the only spy. :wink:
I'm interested in joining this, still thinking about it, but I think it would be fun. What's the deadline for sign-ups again?
waow, joo guise added me already :3

sure, I'll be demo, but what's the deal with signing up/whatever/how do I?

I could also go hoovy or engie, if need be, or medic, if you would rather be demomemoman, gnome.

is all the info in the blog post, or wat? I'm too lazy to read, and just want to shoot stuff.
ooo I would love to join if there is room, heck I wouldn't mind just being an extra, in case someone can't make a match, I can play most classes well, just not demo... I just never got that great with him.

also do I just request to join the team or do I also have to sign up otherwise...
Sporge27 said:
ooo I would love to join if there is room, heck I wouldn't mind just being an extra, in case someone can't make a match, I can play most classes well, just not demo... I just never got that great with him.

also do I just request to join the team or do I also have to sign up otherwise...
I really don't know/am in the process of doing this, myself.

but I procrastinate.

right now, i don't think all the slots are filled, and I would assume an "extra" is always welcome.

also, lol @ me just realizing that miranda's he only confirmed girl on the team so far (not sure about trikki), and she's playing pyro. where did my life go.
yeah, I mean it says your team can be of 10 to 14 people I think, though the matches are simply 9 v 9, and I normally just switch between classes anyway, so I am up for whatever is needed whenever, unless my classes have started and the time I am needed is in there :p
-Aaron said:
I'm gonna have to back out on this one.
I still can't get TF2 working ;-;
Damn, that sucks D: . What error from Windows 7 are you getting anyways?