• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Thanks for the forum, now I wish we can have a new section.


Senior Member
Jun 10, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Problem is that Animal Crossing is heavy on the trade & collect aspect and I don't see a good way of doing proper trading with people who are on at the same time as I am.

Sure we can add a zillion of people on our friend list,
we can go in a special trade section of the forum but not a lot of players are looking at it, most are in the
general section of New Leaf.

Now, this is not a complain. People who are handling the site are doing their best right now but we have a lot of members so let's put our brain into and find a way to change the trading system we know into something more reliable and fun. At the same time we don't want to create a new topic everytime we want to find or sell an item.

Okay so here are my 2 cents about the current trading system.

1-Everyone know about creating a copy of your catalogue from your game to the website and keeping it updated for future trade. Seriously, way to much work and know one is using those features (asked a lot of people about it)

2-Posting a request for anything. Most of the time, people are busy with their own town so they are not paying attention to the players who are looking for items. Want a good example? People who time travel or people with a japanese version of the game could have provided several tools for those who want to get them, but then again they don't need 10 000 bells or your new blue bench or your first Oranges... So how can we get them to trade in a fun and interesting way? (I remember spending lots of time in Guild Wars 1 helping newbies with their quest in exchanges for any color dye they had, it was fun and cool to meet new people.)

3-The FC system is getting in the way sometimes, but it's also protecting you from people you don't know who could come to cut your trees and break stuff. Now, most of the time people have their FC in their Sig. or in their details. But sometimes, people forget about it and you need to wait for them to comeback to the boards cause you can't add them in the game.

Any of you guys ever had a good idea about how we could have a new trade system for the game. I really tired of asking at the wrong place just because I know most of us are not looking at the trades half the time we are on. Also even when we see one, the poor girl or guy is there waiting all night for a simple item we often have.

I really hope this threads gets replies, I'm sure we can help the community of New Leaf by fixing an old Animal Crossing Forum problem. Thanks!
I'm confused. What exactly is your suggestion? As far as I can see, there isn't one.

1) I would love a catalog on the side with all the items on this site. It'd be awesome.

2) So...Are you trying to create a way to force the time travellers/Japanese players to trade and provide tools for new people? We already can get them to trade in a "new and interesting" way, this would be by having something they want and trading them for it...

3) What exactly is your point here? Yeah, it's inconvenient, but that's a problem with Nintendo, not the forum.

I don't see the problem with the trading system as it is now.
Yeah I don't see what the problem is with the forum. An online catalogue would be nice (even one located off-site/made by someone else), but it's not necessary to be able to trade.

There are friend codes right under our names so again I don't really know what you're trying to say.
My Point is not to create a new trading method by myself, so that's why I did not add any yet.
I want to take what you guys think in consideration before I start anything. But I'm serious about it, I'm tired of not having anywhere to trade with serious people so I want to create a new way or new place to do so. So I'm gathering everyones's ideas about it.

If you want to know why, then by all means, just choose a specific item you need and try to get it when we all have different work hours, school or play time. Like maybe we could add a place where we log in game and try to fill 1 order from other people and that would be a group know as the Early birds who handles some of the basic trades in the morning.

Myself I play after 9:00 so I could maybe join the Night Owls to trade some stuff with new players or do my own trades with those who like me are playing at night. If the time of day in game would be an issue, I could rewind maybe 3 hours in a day so it gives me enough time with shops open. You know like a real trading community, not just some random people trying to get a freaking axe for 4 days.

Ideas? Share them here! And thanks Oath2order for you reply!

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Yeah I don't see what the problem is with the forum. An online catalogue would be nice (even one located off-site/made by someone else), but it's not necessary to be able to trade.

There are friend codes right under our names so again I don't really know what you're trying to say.

I know all about that, I spent hours and hours trading back and forth in Wild Worlds and City Folk.
What I'm trying to say is how could we improve the current trading system with something more reliable either by having serious merchants here on the forums helping the community, or a different tool to allow quicker trades, or a section that is used by people instead of everyone hanging in the general part all the time.

The general section is great! I love to create topics and chat too. But when you need something for your town and 127 members are in the general section and almost no one is in the trade section, then how do you tell them you want something without opening a thread in the wrong section? And if you see that post, will you ignore it because you can't be bother at that moment to trade something to someone in need?

Any ideas to help us making a better trade section would be appreciated. :) Thanks for the reply Torotix!
Where did you get the whole 'time travelers don't stop to help people enough' thing? I mean, I'm a time traveler and if someone requested something that was available to me, I would be more than happy to provide them. Just as most people (TT-ers and nonTT-ers) on here would, as well. I don't know why you had to bring up tt-er OR the Japanese players! The Japanese players have been very helpful on here.

Also, you can easily put your FC in the information at the side of your posts so I don't really understand why you're bringing that up.
There's a trading board already, people are going to visit the trading board with the intent to trade anyway. If they don't want to trade, it's not really the forum's problem.
If you are worried about timezones, specify the timezone you are in with your post.

What I'm gathering from you is that you want people to pay attention to your trading posts, this again is not the forum's problem. You need to go and make friends with people that you can contact when you are looking to trade. You can't force people to want to trade and you can't spam them in the general thread. The trading board will probably get a little more busy when the game has actually been released everywhere, but as it is I don't think there is much of a real problem.

If you want to run a merchant service, create a thread for it in the trading section and only use that thread as opposed to creating a new one every day. I for one have made a lot of friends from different regions anyway, and I know most people do. Less people will be turning to random people as they did with wild world.

The fact is that there is nothing WRONG with how this forum is handling trades, it's that these days most people want to make friends to play the game with rather than play alone and only connect to trade. If the demand isn't there, there isn't really anything you can do to the trading board.
Where did you get the whole 'time travelers don't stop to help people enough' thing? I mean, I'm a time traveler and if someone requested something that was available to me, I would be more than happy to provide them. Just as most people (TT-ers and nonTT-ers) on here would, as well. I don't know why you had to bring up tt-er OR the Japanese players! The Japanese players have been very helpful on here.

Also, you can easily put your FC in the information at the side of your posts so I don't really understand why you're bringing that up.

Then you understood wrong. When I said that most people ignore request, it was not pointing in their direction. In fact I spent quite a lot of time trading items as a TTer in past games. Some people are really helping, like Kiwala that I traded with yesterday.
But it's not like they can do it all by themself. We can provide a better trading system if we all stop 2 sec and try to figure out an improved way. Like in other games where people decide to devote a bit of their time for helping others. Some already do it here, but they have to do it without any kind of help or structure from us. I'm trying to come up with a better design for trading, something that would support them better.

Now of you don't understand what I'm trying to do here, that's fine. But I play Animal Crossing since the Gamecube and trading was always about sitting in front of your PC for hours, sometimes you get lucky and you find someone to help you out, sometimes you spent days after days waiting for someone to even look at your request. Can't we do better than this? I'm sure we can change a few thing, maybe create a better way of trading by naming official forums traders with privileges and such. It's not always about waiting for someone else to do it for us, we can work on this and maybe propose a better trading system to the moderators.

Thanks for the reply Raggamash! And keep trading if you do it already :D

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There's a trading board already, people are going to visit the trading board with the intent to trade anyway. If they don't want to trade, it's not really the forum's problem.
If you are worried about timezones, specify the timezone you are in with your post.

What I'm gathering from you is that you want people to pay attention to your trading posts, this again is not the forum's problem. You need to go and make friends with people that you can contact when you are looking to trade. You can't force people to want to trade and you can't spam them in the general thread. The trading board will probably get a little more busy when the game has actually been released everywhere, but as it is I don't think there is much of a real problem.

If you want to run a merchant service, create a thread for it in the trading section and only use that thread as opposed to creating a new one every day. I for one have made a lot of friends from different regions anyway, and I know most people do. Less people will be turning to random people as they did with wild world.

The fact is that there is nothing WRONG with how this forum is handling trades, it's that these days most people want to make friends to play the game with rather than play alone and only connect to trade. If the demand isn't there, there isn't really anything you can do to the trading board.

It's your opinion really, I beg to differ. I don't think the way we do it now is broken, I think the way we do it now is something we could improve upon. Just yesterday, someone opened a thread about helping people with all kinds of fruits, people jumped on it super fast and most people could not get in since the village had too much guests. If we had a better trading community, these things wouldnt be happening.

In the end 3 guys got what they wanted, a lot of others did not. It's not about me, it's about everyone. In 2 months of now I may not even have time to play as much, but if we created a better way of trading, the community wins.

Now can we get back to topic, I didnt want to argue if this was a good idea, I wanted ideas to make things better even if I appreciate the little chat.

As I said in a previous post;
Maybe create a better way of trading by naming official forums traders with privileges and such. It's not always about waiting for someone else to do it for us, we can work on this and maybe propose a better trading system to the moderators.
I don't see a problem with doing something; such as making your own thread with things you trade and sell. That's actually been done in the past. There really isn't a set-in-stone trading system here because everyone has their own way of doing things. If you'd like to give your idea a shot, go ahead.
Okay, so you want to create a way for people to devote their time to help others. Then you create a group. You create a group of people who devote their time to helping others.

You mention "official forums traders with privileges and such". What privileges are you expecting these people to have?

Sure, it isn't all too fun waiting for someone to respond to your trading thread, and sure, you might have to wait a few days, but that's life :/
Okay, so you want to create a way for people to devote their time to help others. Then you create a group. You create a group of people who devote their time to helping others.

Here's a link if you are curious : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxrdVse0Bg0
You mention "official forums traders with privileges and such". What privileges are you expecting these people to have?

Sure, it isn't all too fun waiting for someone to respond to your trading thread, and sure, you might have to wait a few days, but that's life :/

Oh don't worry I did create helping groups before.
My Youtube channel has more than 550 videos of Minecraft about designs, builds and projects all done to help the community.
And with 32 000 subscribers I have helped tons of people with requests and such.

Okay here I'm throwing a few ideas we could use. It's just some ideas, they are open for discussion and feel free to add your own!

Ideas for creating an advance trading system
Forum’s official traders
Merchants: Provide goods with a fee or in exchange of something they need or may trade again. They need a big catalogue to do it efficiently.
Basic Providers: They can provide basic tools to new players on the forum. They prepare some tools kits and trade these free of charge to the new players when they can.

Dividing the traders into groups---when they are able to trade most of the time.
Early birds: Provide trading during the day
Night Owls: Provide trading during the night
*Maybe a group for mid-day? Ideas for a name here?

If we could add this rank to people here in the forums we could try to send private request to them when they are online as they have offer to help people with the trading system.
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Well I'm off to bed! Thanks to everyone who left a reply! I'll work some more on it after work tomorrow.
Enjoy your day and have fun in your little village!