That one game....

[quote="Shadow_] Cuccos.

Favorite species of duck? [/quote]

Favorite thing about GTA 4
My hope that it will come to DS/ It popularized sandbox games : D

Favorite OST of a game?
Hardly anyone has their real ranks anymore....

Favorite flavor of cough drop?
This cool music shop that I like. But I forget the name.


Famous person that you dislike?
TheGremp said:

favorite brand of paper towel?
Not even... that's Germanic.

The Galapagos Tortoise

Favorite 60's musical artist?
(...Bob Dylan... ok...)

The Complete Sherlock Holmes by Conan Doyle.

Favorite website?

(I've watched Yahtzee's stuff since his Halo 3 review, Grmp)

Favorite guitar.