That one villager you couldn't function without...?

For me it's Fauna, her colour scheme may be a bit plain compared to some other villagers and the normal personality isn't always the most interesting but she's such a sweet and friendly villager, I used up loads of NMTs before I finally found her but now she's on my island I can't imagine playing without her. In NH I also really love Sherb, Judy and Raymond and will probably keep them on the island permanently but they're not as important to me as Fauna.
I just can’t choose between my two all time favourites 😍 I have had them both in all my towns since city folk and it just wouldn’t be Bayside (yes it has always been Bayside 🙈😊) without Whitney and Julian 💜

Mine are Antonio, Marshal, and Raymond. Antonio was one of my starters and I love him. He's so great and so funny. I can't imagine him leaving. I have his amiibo, just incase I somehow accidently let him go. Marshal and Raymond, I didn't expect to like but they've both grown on me. I don't think my island would be complete without all 3 of these guys.
Drago and Phoebe for me. I have Phoebe on my island, adn she'll forever be on it. She's my all time favourite uchi and wouldn't get rid of her for anyone...not even Drago. I still haven't found Drago on the mystery islands or the campsite. Its been almost a year (I even missed his birthday), and still I haven't seen my baby dragon. The game's algorithm sure hates me....
mine is kabuki. i have him on my main island and hes asked to move so much it breaks my heart, but i still tell him no every time.

also raymond, as hes been on my island since like....september? and hes only asked to move about twice. im just so used to seeing him around (except during holidays because for some odd reason he just never comes out)
julian! wanted him since new leaf came out but sadly never got him in that game.. i recently caved and bought his amiibo card after many failed nmt hunts
It's Eugene for me he's always been there for me through thick and thin
I would add a picture but I don't have him yet
For me it would be Merry or Mitzi. I originally planned to have only 6 cats on my island but couldn't choose between these two so I have one cat of each type. My only non-cats are Audie (my peppy starter in my first NH game, now deleted) and Julian, who I couldn't bear to be without. (That house interior is dreamy). Honestly I don't think I could part with any of my villagers.
Poppy! She was one of my first villagers in New Leaf and her house was next to mine. So we were neighbours for the whole 6 years I had that town. I got her amiibo so she could instantly be on my NH island too. I just think she's so adorable and the game wouldn't be the same for me without her!
Rolf, Agent S, and Broccolo are my top three villagers. Rolf and Agent S were starter villagers in my first New Leaf town, and I was lucky enough to get them both along with Broccolo as starters in my second town, too. I love all my dreamies, but I would be devastated if any of the Dream Team ever moved. I recently bought all their Amiibo cards to insure that I'll always have them, no matter what!
Del and Tybalt! :) It's funny because I never had either in my past games, but after having them on my island this time around, I just adore them! They're so sweet!
In the past it was Flip and Colton.
But right now it's Tybalt.

Tybalt is just such a scumbag you can't help but love him.
Can't imagine ever letting him move away.
It's Lily guys. First time we met was Pocket camp, the game was not so good, but she saved it for some time. I won't say she was the main reason why I bought switch and ACNH at all. But then again, maybe she was )
Today is her first day on island, and she's already watering flowers and talking to them omg. All hail the Frog Queen! 🐸

Also, Cody, my starter. He never was in dreamies list, I didn't even knew he existed before game beginning. But if Lily is island queen, he is it's heart and soul. He was the best friend from the start, and became like part of family to me. He even looks like caring little uncle, imo
I never tire of Colton. He's the prince-ruler of all my islands. He's smug and a bit of a narcissist but in a self-aware way.