Shop That Tiny Art Shop (CLOSED)

I decided to resubmit my form because I offered a price waaaaaayyy too low, sorry about that ;__;

Style: IGB chibi
Notes: He has blue hair now c:
Form of Payment: IGB
Total: 20 mil IGB (I can definitely go higher)

HOLY SNAP. Um, this is only one person right!?! XD Do you want me to add anything?
I'm not sure if I added you on the waiting list, I gotta check....
HOLY SNAP. Um, this is only one person right!?! XD Do you want me to add anything?
I'm not sure if I added you on the waiting list, I gotta check....

Maybe you can draw my Mayor in different poses? I want 'em JoJo style~ I'll add more IGB if ya need haha! Of course, I understand if you decline that offer, I don't want to overwork ya. I'll still pay ya 20 mil for one drawing c:
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Maybe you can draw my Mayor in different poses? I want 'em JoJo style~ I'll add more IGB if ya need haha! Of course, I understand if you decline that offer, I don't want to overwork ya. I'll still pay ya 20 mil for one drawing c:

ok so it's like--- 1 full body with waist art behind your mayor doing jojo poses? =v= you should add a pic ref then! 20 mil is cool yo! tho there's always my wishlist so it's easier to transfer the payment. xD
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So many poses, so little time ( ؕؔʘ̥̥̥̥ ه ؔؕʘ̥̥̥̥ )

Dont love me.jpgJoseph_jojoeoh.jpg

You can choose whichever poses :3
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oh my god
i love your art holy moly
im gonna post a rlc form in a bit if thats fine
more new styles that don't have a price but someone paid 80 tbt for it so maybe that's good enough? :U

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I want to come back already, lol!

Lovely as always, no doubt!
I'd like to be put on the waitlist again, if that's okay!

and those icons are adorable
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