• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

The AC Writing Contest [3 Days Left!]


Little Voice of Courage
May 10, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Silver Mailbox
20 Envelopes
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
The AC Writing Contest [CLOSED!]

Hello everyone! The judging has come to a close, and I am proud to announce the winners!

First off, we have our Honorable Mention. The award for Honorable Mention goes to....

Link32, for "The Story of Stitches"!
-I personally loved this story. I enjoyed how it took the form of some sort of legend. The ideas were great, and while it did not receive votes for first or second, it was the recipient of the most votes for Honorable Mention.

Next, we have our second-place winner. Our second-place award goes to....

ChibiSylph's "Petals in the Snow"!
-The premise of this story is as old as time, but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable. I thought the back-story for this was great, and I'll quote it here. Actually, I deleted the message, but the idea was that ChibiSylph wasn't sure whether to have O'Hare in her town or to keep Curt. This story helped her decide. This was where we hit a snag; two stories received the same number of votes for second place. In our tie-breaker vote, they still received the same number. I called in a secret guest judge, and their vote put "Petals in the Snow" into second place.

Finally, the moment you've all been waiting for. Our first-place award, with all its fame, fortune, glory, and villager reservation, goes to....

in-a-pickle's "The Colony"!
-Before in-a-pickle entered, I didn't think Animal Crossing suited itself well to a dystopian view. Boy, was I wrong! in-a-pickle crafted an incredibly believable world, one with answers for why only a few humans live in a town, along with other ideas. I would love to see a full-length novel about this; unfortunately, Animal Crossing is copyrighted. I don't think I'll be seeing one anytime soon.

And that's the end! Thank you to everyone who entered! I absolutely loved reading each and every entry. I wish I could give you each an award, but I can't. Just know that you are all winners to me. By entering this contest, you have enriched your writing abilities. I believe that that is a better prize (though if you asked me if I had entered, I'd probably say otherwise). I hope to see you all again sometime!

Also, a note to first and second: I have learned that, unfortunately, the gold and silver trophy icons will not be able to be prizes. As such, Kaiaa will be providing an alternative prize: First place will receive a Wii/3DS code, and second place will receive a poem written by me! Sorry about this! First place, I'll talk to you about everything.
-First Place: 100 forum bells, a random DLC item, a Wii/3DS Club Nintendo code, and a reservation on a villager of your choice
-Second Place: 75 forum bells, a poem written by me, and a random DLC item
-Honorable Mention: 50 forum bells and a random DLC item

Good luck to all who want to enter!

Stories So Far

I held back the urge to vomit as the train slowed down to a halt. The annoying speech Rover gave was over. It may be because he flinched with he saw me gag.

[Welcome to Folsense.]
I walked out and the first thing I saw was a yellow dog with a green vest. Her name was Isabelle. "Umm, hello! I'm here for-"

Isabelle was really excited for some reason. "your mayoral duties, we know! We're all so happy to see you! Everyone, say welcome to James!"

There was a horse who looked like a zebra. Her name was Savannah. "Ooh, you're our new mayor! Congratulations!"

"Actually, I'm not your new mayor?"

Isabelle laughed with sheepishness. "Well, of course you are!"

I think it was already obvious that I wasn't the mayor here, but I decided to go along with it. It was only June 9 and it was only two months after April Fools, right?

When we got to the town hall, I was scared. I never knew we had to go there so when I was going in, I tried going back out. However, Isabelle just pushed along. "OK, with all of that paperwork over, all you need is a new home. You should see Nook at the exit, I think."

I walked out and sure enough, a racoon tanooki thing was outside. "Hello! You must be the new mayor. Well, I'll follow along while you go walk around to see a house you would like.

As we were walking, it was a bit creepy with him following me. But I found a nice cozy spot near the river.

"Oh, this is a spot for fishing fans! So the cost is... umm... I can't really calculate it now but visit me later!" Nook started to walk away when I noticed I didn't even have somewhere to sleep. So he fixed up a tent for me to sleep in. We waved to each other and I ran back to Town Hall.

"Great! You are officially a new bound resident of Folsense! Tomorrow, I'll teach you a bit more about the basics."

As I left the town hall, I was so happy! Starting today, I'm now the mayor of Folsense!
Author: BellBringerGreen
Music: From "The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya" No rights reserved, all soundtracks belong to their respective owners.​

Savannah and I were in an interesting conversation. However, it was weird because she was talking about this Diabolical Orange... or something like that.
"It'll be about you and Teddy with the villain of a Diabolical Orange! Wouldn't that be really cool?" Teddy is a jock and he is really crazy about it. But I walked past Teddy and he ran over to me.
"Hey, James! Don't you think it would be cool if there was a stadium light in town? That would be pretty cool, right? I'll register it with Isabelle about it."
Yeah, he's really crazy. Anyway, I walked past Savannah and she ran towards me.
"Sigh.... Blanche doesn't really like me anymore..."
If you're asking, Blanche is this ostrich. I personally find her nice but she's pretty snooty.
"She says I'm too immature to own friends... You're my friend, right?"
"Of course I am!"
"Thanks! I'll boss her around! Nah, I'm just kidding. I always visit her and we talk over coffee and cookies."
Then there was an awkward silence.
"What I'm really sad about is about Blanche herself. You see, she had thoughts about moving because Teddy hurt her feelings. You should go over to Blanche quick!"
I ran over to Blanche's house. She was sulking around in there.
"Listen Blanche. Teddy may be a crazy freak but that doesn't mean you have to move. Everyone, including Teddy, likes you! If someone teases you, it means that"
"I know, I know, they like you as a friend. Anyway I got over that minutes ago. Who told you, Savannah? The real point is, I feel like I should go experience more places. Should I?"
"Honestly, I think you should make more memories of Folsense. It's a wonderful town and I promise I'll make it up to you expectations. Deal?"
After that was taken care of, I was proud of my third day of Folsense as mayor! However, soon after, something really bad happened. On the fifth day.
Author: BellBringerGreen
Soundtrack: From "The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya." No rights reserved, all works belong to their respective owners.​
Hey judges! This is Part One of my entry for your contest. I hope you enjoy it! The soundtracks may be cheesy but I enjoyed writing the first part! Also, the second part will come either late today (as of August 31st) or tomorrow. Thanks for your patience!

It was only coincidence that that animal was no longer here. It was only a matter of time before everything would be over.

Savannah was going to move out.

With no matter of time I quickly ran to the train station where I saw Savannah lugging her luggage into the train. Gasping for breath, I ask,

"Why are you moving so suddenly?"

"I wanted to leave early so you wouldn't be mad or sad, sorry!"

"But why exactly?"

"I want to experience new places, James! I really love this town but something tells me you haven't been doing a good job."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Didn't you see? I thought Isabelle lectured you about cutting down the town tree. I guess not."

It struck me. Isabelle probably cut it down instead of me. But something tells me this was the average fan fiction ending.

"Umm, no. I'll be waiting near the train station entrance and I'll wait until you find out who cut down the tree. That tree is really important to me!"

In no doubt did I ever run so fast to the town hall. I was gasping so hard I took a short break at the watering fountain.

"Isabelle!" She quickly turned around but I noticed something strange.

She was pacing a lot in very deep thought.

"I-it's over... This town is a mess!"

Umm... That was rude. "Did you cut the town tree?"

"Of course not! However, someone did. Plus, Savannah's moving out because of it... Oh I'll write a note so you can give it to her."

Her hands trembling, she jotted down on a piece of paper. She handed it to me like a baby would. I ran back to Savannah and gave her the note.

"Oh, so you nor Isabelle cut down the tree? I guess I'll start unpacking... But what are you going to do about the town tree?"

"I don't know yet." I honestly didn't know what to do. "There is one thing we could do."

In a matter of time I got the whole town to make a plan to figure out who was the culprit. One of those villagers was the tree cutter... It could even be someone else.

As a town of one, we helped each other.

Writer: James​
Isabelle and I helped give out walkie-talkies so we could communicate during our plan.
I knew deeply that all of the villagers would never do something this bad.
And I also knew that Isabelle thought so too.

We had Blanche hid behind a tree so she could spy on the town tree, and we had Teddy spy on the other side of the town tree. We also had Copper guard the entrance to Main Street. However, the best part was having the whole town help with a trap for the culprit.

Copper came into chat. "We have a slight problem regarding mindless deep breaths due to tiredness." Pretty sure he meant yawning but whatever. "I felt like someone passed by when my eyes were closed. I only saw the back of an animal. Unfortunately this happened quite a bit, I'm sorry."

"It's OK, we have Blanche and Teddy covering the town tree so just keep your eyes peeled for more."

It was only in 5 minutes would we see who the culprit was.

Blanche came into the chat. "I think I see something.. It's getting closer to the trap!" Teddy also came in. "Quick, come into the plaza!"

I forwarded it to everyone and we came dashing to the town tree. It was a big surprise.

It was... It was...

A dream?

"Mayor, wake up! You're drooling on the table!"


I yawned and looked around. I was in the town hall. Just a while ago we were going to figure out the culprit...

"I don't know why you're sleeping, but anyway you should go visit Savannah. Her birthday is today."

I waved bye and walked to Savannah's house. Blanche and Sprinkle were happily chatting as well. I didn't see any external signs of her moving or anything...

"Hey James! Whoa... You looked like someone cut down a chunk of the town tree!"


"Have a slice of cake!" Minutes later her house was packed with the whole town.

For some reason I felt like Folsense was finally a town as one.

This has been a wonderful journey to write! Also, read the epilogue coming shortly.

It has been about a year ever since that day. All the animals are doing fine. Here are a few stories that I remember.
Digby walked in to visit her sister in the town hall.
"Oh, hello Digby! What did you want?"
"I kind of want... Um..."
"If it's not much, I would love an umbrella o-or a chair to sit on when I'm waiting for visitors?
"I'm sorry big brother, there isn't enough funds to support an umbrella. However, we have enough for an outdoor chair. Would you like one?"
"Yes please!"
"OK, we'll have a chair by tomorrow."
Digby walked out the town hall wondering how they could afford a chair and not an umbrella.
Teddy was in his home stretching for Sports Day. "I can't wait to bounce those small baseballs and hit those orange balls with those bats they talk about!"
I wanted to correct both of his errors but I decided not to.
"And have you seen those weird brown balls with those stitch things? I'm a jock so I'd love to do those touchdowns and stuff!"
"I'm glad to see you're excited about Sports Day."
"I'm sorry, can we chat later? I need to exercise in peace."
I left knowing what he was putting himself into.
When it got big enough, I sat down on the bricks of the town tree. As I closed my eyes, I remembered all the memories I had with all my villagers. I remember all those silly purchases I made at Re-Tail.
It was the best feeling.

Long ago, about 2005 to be exact, a toymaker was hard at work bringing his latest creation to life. The night wind howled through the open window above his desk. This wasn't his first night on the job. He enjoyed putting smiles on children's faces, and if that meant staying up all night, well then so be it. He was an elderly man, who recommended by his docter, learned to sew to help battle the arthritis. It was something he enjoyed doing, and he wasnt afraid to commit most of his free time to it. Ever since the passing of his wife, he found little things that took his mind of the dramatic final days, but this did.

As he sewed on the final stitch of his new toy he was filled with delight! He placed his stuffed masterpiece on his desk and took a step back. In an instance he knew he had made something the children would love. The mish-mash of colours, the x-shaped eyes, and the shirt, covered in stars of all colours. He was a teddy bear that would fit perfectly in a child's room. The elderly man took some steps around the room all while staring at the plush bear cub. It seemed that from any angle he looked at it from, the bear cub was always staring and smiling at him. His face let way to a grin. A He reached out and grasped it's stomach with his shaky hands. "Now what am I to call you", he mumbled. He examined the cub once again in the palm of his hand. Noticing small but intricate stitches along the colour's edges. He then knew what he was to call it. He grabbed the cub and a small piece of cardboard and headed out into the store. He sat the cub down on a table and grabbed a pen and his piece of cardboard. He took the pen, and with his wobbly hands wrote down on the cardboard "Stitches".

The next day the old man climbed down from his apartment above the toy store, and opened the doors for the piles of kids waiting outside. They flooded in with smiles on their faces. The girls hurrying the dolls and hand carved dollhouses. The boys rushing toward the wooden toy cars. Children went home happily with new toys in hand,But there was only one lonely toy that seemed to draw no attention from the children. Stitches. Another busy day was had at the toy store, but for the first time the old man wasn't happy at the end of the day. For nobody wanted the toy he worked so hard on, no one seemed to pay attention to smiling stitched face, the happy bear cub was left alone. The old man looked down at the cub and sighed. "Well I guess you'll just have to stay here a little longer". He left the bear cub where he was and then hobbled up the stairs to his apartment.

And so the month's rolled by, but still Stitches remained displayed in the front of the store for all the children to see. Children each day passed by it, not giving the stuffed toy so much as a second glance. As time continued on, the old man became very ill. He could no longer run the toy store because he was too weak and nimble to create new toys. Sad and weary he spent the days in his apartment alone struggling to walk about. Eventually his only son moved into the apartment to help take care of him in his time of need. After another few weeks he was brought to the hospital, where he passed away. He passed on without seeing a child walk away, happily carrying his favourite creation. But it was only a month after his passing that the son realized that in his father's will, he had left him the toy store along with the apartment above it.

The son and his wife along with their little boy moved into the apartment and re-opened the toy store. The continued giving out toys and sharing smiles. However on the first day the family moved in, the boy found something he couldn't take his eyes off of. He grabbed the stuffed toy and hugged it. Stitches had found a home.

"STOP THE BOAT!" Screeched Marshal as he turned a rather unpleasant shade of green. His screaming proved futile as the little boat waded its way even further from Acorns! "Oh butt'n it ye wee landlubber, ye shouldn't have come if ye were planning to decorate the briny deep with ye breakfast!" Gulliver snapped. Marshal sank down in his seat whining, he arrived at the feet of Cookie, who proceeded to kick him away rudely.

Gulliver shook his head, clearly not amused and reluctantly turned the board around trying to ignore the moaning of Fang, Molly, and Gwen. "I don't WANT to return yet!" Groaned the pudgy purple penguin, this sea salt is doing wondrous things to my face! Who cares if that drama queen has a weak stomach we're all fine aren't we!" As muffled agreement rose from the inside of the boat, Alice, the mayor of Acorns spoke quickly to avoid the possible outbreak of a scrap!

"Mr Gulliver sir" she called, raising her voice so she could be heard. "How did you end up on the shore of our town in the first place?" Gulliver froze for a few moments, it was clear he was thinking immensely hard. "Well," he croaked after what seemed like an eternity. "I can only remember bits and pieces... But I think.... I was in fact punished for a bout of hearty wrongdoings...." Everybody was silent now, even Marshal had stopped cursing under his breath.

Gulliver continued. "I wasn't... The cleanest pirate in the world...." Gulliver said slowly. Cookies ears pricked up. "Well I have some soap at my house if you wanna borrow it!" she told him. "Not that kinda clean ye bird brain!" He snapped. "I mean the way I operated wasn't always by the book, I guess ye could call me a scaly wag! But I was punished like I said earlier! One fateful day I fell off the side of me ship! I called and hollered but no soul came to me aid! Then, all of a sudden the maiden of the sea arose in front of me eyes! She told me I was a scoundrel a horrible gull, that I should be punished for me foolhardy and reckless ways! So... The Maiden put a curse upon me! She cursed me with the illness of Sea Amnesia.... Which means I will forget anyone I have met or anything I have done if I'm around the sea!" He glanced around at the shocked and perplexed expressions of his passengers."Now I knows what ye may be thinking, but I be taking a risk! Nothing has happened to me wee old brain yet and I have a feeling that nothing ever will!"

As Alice clambered off the boat, followed by Fang who carried a limp Marshal in his paws, she couldn't seem to comprehend what she had been told. Gulliver? A sea criminal? "No" She told her self. "It was just a little sea story made up to stop the fight that was about to break out!" That was it..... That HAD to be it.....

The next morning Cookie and Alice strolled down to the beach to meat Gulliver, the brought a basket of perfect apples that they could share together. They spotted him almost immediately, dancing and prancing around in the sand rather oddly. "Hey!" Called Cookie. "Lovely day ain't it!" To the surprise of Alice and Cookie, as they approached Gulliver, the snowy white seagull dropped into a courteous bow. "Ah yes, hello! he chirped. "Who are you two lovely ladies and would you be so kind to tell me, where in the world I am?

See more entries on post 63, or HERE.

More entries HERE.

Another entry! HERE!


We are currently working out how to judge the contest.
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Ooh, i love writing fiction! I've actually written part of a animal crossing fanfiction before~ And written a couple chapters of a Hetalia /Animal crossing crossover :D

Would you rather have me help than participate? :D I don't mind ^_^
Just fiction. I would greatly appreciate help, though!

Or non-fiction too, I guess. Any writing, really! Maybe different categories...

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ooh, i love writing fiction! I've actually written part of a animal crossing fanfiction before~ And written a couple chapters of a Hetalia /Animal crossing crossover :D

Would you rather have me help than participate? :D I don't mind ^_^

At the moment, who knows? If we get enough people, I'd love help. If we don't... Go ahead and participate!

You were the one who took over windfall's thread with me, right?
Hey guys, I'm the Guild Leader of the Writers' Guild. Right now this contest is on hold until I find out some information from Jeremy about whether we should go ahead and do a contest or wait until November IF he plans to do another round of forum contests.

I hope you can be patient ^^ I promise I'm not trying to ruin the fun! If he decides not to do another round of forum contests, I will remake this contest for Blues and provide prizes.
Oooh yes I would be interested in entering if the competition does go ahead!
Well, we (more specifically, Kaiaa), will let you all know what's going on when we (once again, Kaiaa) know.
Just to clarify, we WILL be doing a Writers' Guild Story contest in November! However, you are more than welcome to go along with this contest :) So now it's up to you, Blues, whether to wait until November or go ahead and make a contest today/this week!
So, like Kaiaa posted, we'll be having the big contest in November. But, since I'm partial to writing, I'd like to keep this contest going, but tone down everything. So, look at the updated original post!
It looks good Blues, let me know when you have winners at the end of September and I will ask one of the moderators to give out the trophy icons :) Also, I would like to mention that the redeemable code for first place will have to be for people who live in the Nintendo of America district. I don't know what we could do for those who live outside the NOA district but donations are welcome!
It looks good Blues, let me know when you have winners at the end of September and I will ask one of the moderators to give out the trophy icons :) Also, I would like to mention that the redeemable code for first place will have to be for people who live in the Nintendo of America district. I don't know what we could do for those who live outside the NOA district but donations are welcome!

I actually toned down the prizes so this didn't eclipse our November contest. But I'll definitely let you know about the winners for icons!
Is it okay if I participate? I needed an excuse to get back to writing stories like I used to..

Of course it is! I'd be ecstatic to have you join! (Okay, I'd be ecstatic to have anyone join, so hey, cut me some slack). Deadline is September 30th!
Of course! I'll do my best! So, it has to be a short story, how short are we talking? Can it have chapters? And does it have to have any specific theme besides having the world of Animal Crossing?
Of course! I'll do my best! So, it has to be a short story, how short are we talking? Can it have chapters? And does it have to have any specific theme besides having the world of Animal Crossing?

No specific theme, nothing over a PG rating, no fewer than 500 words. I suppose chapters would work, but if we can keep to one-shots that would be great. (Less work for me and the other judges).
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