• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

The AC Writing Contest [3 Days Left!]

That just sounds like a recipe for disaster.

He's better than our old teacher, who was a tiny french woman who had an extremely high pitched voice, who was even harder to understand even though she was actually french...
shouldn't we be talking about the competition here, not french teachers?
He's better than our old teacher, who was a tiny french woman who had an extremely high pitched voice, who was even harder to understand even though she was actually french...
shouldn't we be talking about the competition here, not french teachers?

Nah, not necessarily. We have until tomorrow at 10am my time. ; )

Man, I'm loving this essay I'm writing, though.
Hey everyone, we're almost at the deadline! Tomorrow, 10 AM Mountain Standard Time, the contest closes! Get your entries in!
I sent in a PM to the judges with a story I wrote for this. I hope it's ok I joined in so late; I only learned about this contest very recently. ^^"
I sent in a PM to the judges with a story I wrote for this. I hope it's ok I joined in so late; I only learned about this contest very recently. ^^"

It's no problem! I received your entry, and I'll be posting it shortly!

Less than an hour left! Any last minute entries must be turned in right away!

- - - Post Merge - - -

He awoke to the bright lights of The Colony’s lamps shining down on his sealed shut eyelids.

The alarms were sounding. The same cacophony of noise that woke everyone every morning at 5:30 a.m, sharp. Today, as always, they would gather in the commons of the city to receive breakfast and use the communal bathrooms to prepare themselves for the day ahead.
He shook himself from the bed, the lump mattress paid no sympathy to his aching body. The Colony was not generous.
He walked over to a seat at the long table, where fellow Emissaries were talking and discussing political matters of no importance. Today’s breakfast was hash served with ground vegetables. The meals had to be mass produced, so often Emissaries health was not brought into question.
Of course, the duties in Hybrid Surveillance Units (Villages to the inhabitants) were filled with small luxuries they needed to add to the facade, the illusion. Without them, his job could never work.

He dumped my tray in the recycling chamber and filed off to the division line. His clothes needed to be scanned for infection and virus, so he stepped through the large gate. Security promptly stopped him. Dang, he thought to himself, I forgot.
“Excuse me,” the security guard inclined, “Your pockets, sir.”
“Hmm? Oh yes, of course,” he said, reaching down and feeling inside what was inevitably there.
“Smuggling fruit?”, the guard looked up at me and stared me down, “Sir, an act of disobedience like this could result in severe punishment. Work Record Card please…”
He pulled it out. A WRC recorded your performance of the day’s work, if you performed positively, then you received your stamp, if not, a warning, or something worse.
“Hmm...appears you have a fairly positive record. However, another mistake and this will be reported.”
He nodded. The fruit was simply a snack he had brought home, but colony procedures did not allow anything from the outside, especially food. He was on good terms with the guard, but another day would surely be punished. He tucked his card away in a pocket and exited the scanning room, out into the train depot. The roar and clatter of rails greeted his ears. Hundreds of emissaries boarded the lined up trains in front of him, his own train in Sector B.

He was T. R. Abrams, Abe for short, Emissary 511 of the Human Containment Colony.


Abe walked on to the glistening, silver train that beckoned to him from a few yards away. The conductor, a stout man with a large overcoat, yelled to the Emissaries taking too much time fiddling around with papers and documents, one woman tripped and proceeded to cause a domino effect in a line for another train.
Abe halted, and showed his WRC to the conductor in front of the train.

The conductor shook his head in approval, “All good, I’m guessing? You’ve been one of the few not to postpone the trip.”
“No problem, sir.”, Abe muttered.
Abe walked up the steps and sat down a few rows back in the first compartment of the train. A grinding scream, and then the clatter of wheels greeted his ears- the train was off.
The time for arrival for his Unit was only 1 hours and 45 minutes. He looked over to his friend, Elizabeth, she had just taken a seat beside him. She was classified as Emissary 513.
“Greetings, Abe, fine morning isn’t it.”
“Yeah, Liz, it’s good, as usual.” (The weather discussions in the Colony was pointless, the entire biosphere was controlled by the Colony itself, to provide security for the Hybrids.
“I thought it was extra-pleasant. Now, tell me about your small accident in the division line, I heard from Emissary 506 that something occurred with a guard.”
“Oh, that. It was really nothing, I just...got caught, smuggling an apple.”
Elizabeth gasped, “S-smuggling? Dang, Abe, you’ve got to be more careful. I’m sure this disobedience runs in your family. I recall a time when your father was still alive and he accepted a gift from one of them, took it home even. He served 5 days in the containment center.”
Abe was aware of this. His father’s early death was only a cause of the Colonies interference.
“Yes. He was...fine though.”
“Ha, I’ve heard horror, just absolute horror, stories from inside there, Abe. If I ever disobeyed procedure, why.-”
Elizabeth seemed to be at a loss for words. The train trip continued in silence.


Now arriving, Hybrid Surveillance Unit, Sector B, Division 5. Emissaries 510, 511, 512, and 513 please exit here.

The intercom mumbled it’s usual monotonous drone, Abe and Elizabeth proceeded to exit the landing pad on the train.
“Come, Abe, you seem rather slow today,” Elizabeth scolded.”
Abe walked out and they entered the train station together for the HSU B-5.

Joy Cove for short.
Abe and Elizabeth parted ways, she would be going down to tend to business matters in the Town hall
“See you tonight, Abe, best of luck in work.”
“You too, Liz.”
“And don’t, listen closely, don’t do ANY-thing...out of line. I wouldn’t hesitate you know. To report you that is.”
Abe chuckled, while Elizabeth had warned in a humorous way, her threat’s were everything but fake. Friends were nothing but disposable items, besides, he only knew her because they were partnered in Joy Cove.
Abe walked down the path, the Hybrid’s were still asleep, today he was assigned with gardening and digging up trash. All male Emissaries had to do the dirty work, occasionally he envied Elizabeth for her daintier activities. He walked over to his large tent he called home, a shack really. Work always lasted from Monday to Friday, and despite spending most of his time here, Abe had never upgraded to a larger home, despite the Hybrid’s receiving “jobs”, the real control of housing lay in the hands of the Colony. Your house depended on your social status and family background, since his father had been terminated, a tent was what he inherited.
Fauna walked up to him.
“Hello, Abe! I haven’t seen much of you around lately. Would you like to trade?
“Sure, Fauna, what do you want?”
“I’ve my eye on that 8-Ball shirt of yours, it’s quite stylish, how about 347 bells?”
“Of course, take it.”
It didn’t matter really what Fauna wanted. Tomorrow was her shipment date. She would move away from town, to the Colony permanently.
“You know, I just so excited to move, I’m going to miss all my neighbor’s here in Joy Cove though.”
“Yes, I can imagine. Goodbye, Fauna.”
“Goodbye Abe!”
He walked away, and proceeded down the road to the deteriorating jungle gym seated in a small park. Joy Cove was incredibly run down, one of the downsides to having an older Unit.
The rest of the day Abe spent picking weeds.


Abe arrived the next day, Elizabeth was out sick, so she was granted her one leave for the month. He would have to cover her duties.
He walked down to the Town Hall, the residents had voted to make the exterior a sickenly ugly modern shape, and due to Hybrid Code, Elizabeth had abided and worked with Emissary 510, Paul Greenwater, to make it happen. He hated it. To transfer out of Joy Cove would be a dream, but as Elizabeth always said, dreams weren’t reality.
He encountered Isabelle inside. “Isabelle” was simply a generic term for the Androids used as computers for information on the town. You had to process everything you did through Isabelle so the Colony could check to make sure you were doing your job. Abe marked himself Present in the attendance column for work in Isabelle’s hidden touch screen head. He never liked to do this, it was disturbing to look at her robotic, gleaming eyes. Yet she was necessary to keep the illusion of the town’s safety for the Hybrids.
He stepped behind and sat on the motion-sensored seat in the Town Hall’s desk. Isabelle’s computerized voice welcomed him.
“Welcome, Emissary 511, Theodore Richard Abrams. How may I be of service?”
“Please file Hybrid Fauna’s name under Shipped. I must check on her house today.”
“Excellent. Anything else?”
“No that’s fine.”
Abe exited the Town Hall, he looked around the woodsy patch of land, Fauna’s house was a few hills upward across the stream. He crossed the bridge, he could see the tubes of water filtering the “river”, which was simply a massive water-works system. All for the illusion, Abe though.
He finally arrived at the place where Fauna’s house was. A deadbolt was locked on the door. Attached a note from the Colony:
“Dear Emissary 511, Fauna has been relocated. Her house will be demolished by our team tomorrow at 6 A.M. Please confirm this with Isabelle.”
-The Official Sector B Colony Headquarters

He stuffed the note in his pocket, and turned away, he bumped into Maple without looking.
“Oh dear, Maple, I’m very sorry.”
“Quite alright! Did you hear about Rosie and Lopez, they seem to have a fine friendship.”
“No, I haven’t, you’ll have to tell me more.”
“Of course! See you soon, Sweet-A!”
Dang he hated that nick-name.
Abe proceeded to make his way down to the Town Hall. Isabelle was shut off, she seemed to have technological issues lately, being one of the oldest models of Secretary Androids. He pressed the on button located on her side.
“Welcome, Emissary 511, Theodore Richard Abrams. How may I be of service?”
“Please confirm Hybrid Fauna’s departure.”
“Excellent. Anything else?”
Isabelle beeped and her eyes glowed blue. It meant she had just received a message directly from the Colony for Abe.
“The Colony wishes to contact you, Emissary 511.”
“I accept their request.”
“Excellent, inputting message….”
The speaker opened from Isabelle’s mouth, a woman’s voice sounded.
“Dear Emissary 511, we must inform you of an additional assignment. Please locate the Villager Cally. She must be shipped immediately.”
Abe was shocked, rarely did the Colony add assignments unless they were vital.
“May I ask why?” Abe responded.
The microphone took a few seconds to process his message. The voice spat back.
“The Hybrid in question has received letters from an outsider. Repeat, the Hybrid has received letters from an outsider.”
Dang, the things that might happen to whoever did this. But, a job was a job.
“Alright, thanks.”
The microphone proceeded back into Isabelle’s mouth. She asked again,”
“Anything else, Emissary 511?”
“No that’ll be all.”


Abe checked his map, he could locate Cally by reading her chip implanted in the arm. She was on the beach by the waterfall. Assignments given at the end of the day by the Colony had to be completed immediately, he rushed as fast as he could.
Sure enough, Cally was seated on a palmtree stump, deep in thought. In her hands she held a variety of letters.
“Hello, Cally, you must come with me immediately.
“Oh dear, what is it?”
“You are moving, remember? You must leave today.”
“Hmm...I don’t recall ever wanting to move. I hope my neighbors aren’t tired of me!”
“No, Cally, you did want to move.” He felt guilty, lying was not his strong suit. “You’ve been planning since a month ago. You must have lost track of time.
“Silly me, I must of. Hahahahaha!”
“Yes, yes, this is all very funny,” he assured her, “Now come, we have to board the train immediately.”
“Wait, Abe, may I take my letters?”
“No Cally, shipments- I mean moving require you leave everything behind.”
“They’re from my sister, Margaret, she’s telling me all sorts of fanciful tales of the place she’s found home, it’s nothing like Joy Cove.”
Suddenly Abe understood the Colonies assignment. Cally was a threat, a liability. Some Hybrids, her sister apparently, had contacted her. If a Hybrid knew of the Colonies plans and the entire scheme, the world they had built to protect would come crashing down.”
“No, I will take them. You can have them again later.”
“Well that’s alright! Just keep them safe OK…”
Abe detected sadness in Callie's voice, it was unlike a Hybrid to be gloomy. He grasped her hand anyhow and led her through the town to the station.
A dark train car awaited them. Tall men in dark suits appeared from inside the black abyss the train car was. Cally murmured.
“Abe, I’m frightened.”
“Nothing to worry about Cally, everyone who moves take’s a train.”
That part was true. However Abe knew no train like this had ever come, or even had he seen for that matter.
“Come now, Cally, we have to go.”
“Yes...y-yes of course.” Cally gripped his hand tighter, her small pink bracelet cutting into his arm. Perhaps the small squirrells hands made him feel a sense of security as well.
The authorities directed Abe to a seat on the far side of the compartment. Cally was quickly escorted to a guard, and a man in a white coat. He inserted a syringe in her arm. Cally fell asleep.
Abe frowned. Something upset him, but he wasn’t sure. Emotionless...that was the key for his work.
An intercom mumbled.
“Passengers, please pay attention to Colony procedures. Any liabilities to affect you must be purged. Please pay attention.
As you all know, the human race is in deep peril. The massive pandemic that infected and killed the majority of our population 74 years ago in 2312 is still prevalent today. The animals that were infected in those violent years mutated into the Hybrid creature’s we are responsible for today. They are as intelligent as us, they have our brain power, they have our technology through the small revolting pods that exist outside the Colony and our control. What they do not have is our cunning, our ruthlessness, our force. The Colony is the only hope for humanity. To maintain the captured Hybrid’s and artificially please them is our only job. Each day we limit our threat and the power of the Colony grows. The Emissaries are our saviors and the branches of our power. To undertake this job is your biggest duty. To pledge yourself to the Colony is the one absolute valuable thing you can devote yourself to. To free ourselves of the Hybrid species and eliminate our threat’s to create a better world, is our final goal. Together, this future is a possibility. Trust in the Colony., or trust in nothing.

The words rang throughout Abe’s mind. He had only heard that message once before as a small child.
He glanced back, and noticed Cally was gone. Only two stoic guards stood behind him guarding the door of the compartment. Their faces held no emotion.
“Where is the Hybrid?” Paul stammered.
“She has been given a new home. All Hybrid’s are relocated to productive training camps in the Colony after leaving Units.”
“How? We haven’t left the train?”
“Wrong, you were given a serum after the Colony message. You fell asleep for a few hours.
“Are we almost to the Colony Center?”
“Almost.”, muttered the guard.


Abe stepped out of the dark black compartment. A sole guard followed him.
“Thank you for escorting me.”
The guard did not respond.
“You must leave, Emissaries are not allowed on this train usually.”
“Yes, I’ll be going.”
Abe paused a second. The guard seemed rather nervous for a simply goodbye. Suddenly, he felt his pockets. Cally’s letters were missing. If the guard found that he had kept them on the train, no telling the consequences. He had to retrieve and hide them.
He glanced at the guard, he was still waiting impatiently for him to leave.”
“I have to check back in the train, I think I left my watch.”
“Very well, you have five minutes. If you’re not out by then, I must report you.”
“Fine, thank you.”
Abe rushed back up the steps and opened the door. He glanced around the room, back to his seat. No letters. He turned to the back of the compartment and spotted them in the same place Cally was injected. The door must have blown them farther down the hallway. He picked up the letters when his head banged against a doorway, a soft click opened it up.
“Dang, what the heck…”
He pushed against the glassy surface, it was tinted so you couldn't see inside. One of the letters slipped under the doorway when a slight breeze pushed it away.
He entered the room quietly, no one was inside. It appeared to be a hospital or medical room, large murky tanks lined the wall, odd for train compartment. They were sealed, like aquariums, and had a slight glow to them.

Abe paused, his stomach had given a lurch. Cally’s bracelet lay on the floor, ripped apart. Abe walked over to the tank. He looked down and proceeded to hold in vomit.

Cally, her eyes black and soulless, floating in glowing liquid. The inscription, handwritten, read:

“Hybrid Surveillance Unit, Sector B, Division 5
Species: Squirrel
Name: Cally
Status: Terminated.”

He felt a large blow to his head. Blackness surrounded Abe like a nightmarish abyss.
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Judging is currently taking place! I hope that we'll be able to announce the results by Thursday!
That's why you brainwash the judges so they don't know they have been brainwashed.