I was not a fan of the patch model but I seriously did not think it would involve the core furniture missing and core features, I really thought we'd have most features at launch and get stuff added in... it hurts to think the majority of my playtime is going to be with the same furniture at base, missing features, etc. and the game won't meaningfully improve in ways I care about (stuff like cooking isn't important to me, I'm sorry. I legitimately would rather have StreetPass handhelds back. I know I'm weird) for years x( It's the first time in a long time I've been surprised by a gaming company negatively, since I'm typically very cynical, but New Leaf was so good and in many ways New Horizons seems to have been designed with thought to what new AND old players want, so... it was hard to accept.
I do want to add in that, to be fair, when we say they had seven years to work on this, that's not really true... we don't know when they got the dev kit for the Switch and commenced work, and it's possible they were concepting stuff for the Wii U that didn't pan out, based on Amiibo Festival. Still, the stuff that's missing shouldn't be really affected by that since it's in every game, I just feel like the decision to add in terraforming probably ate up a lot of time in development.
It's not about the playtime even, it's about the quality of each moment, I value a minute where I have more choices open to me or I'm vibing in a cute way (like with my bunny balloon or looking at different furniture etc.) more than ten minutes of anything else. If that makes sense.
This is so whiny considering 600+ hours in I'm still having fun, but I know at this point in New Leaf I felt there was a lot of stuff I hadn't discovered,
as a TTer. SORRY I KNOW THIS HAS ALL BEEN SAID AND REHASHED. It's just also painful to me to see people suggest these bold, ambitious features for NH (like old music, which would involve licensing negotations, or engine changes like different rotation, or more in-depth events, or...) when we're missing ones we had in Wild World.

I mean, I'd be happy to wait years for stuff like that in a chunky Welcome Amiibo-style update, but the uncertainty of knowing when we'll get precious NPCs back, or if at all (like the mail feature seems to have been totally abandoned, so will we ever get Pelly/Phyllis/Pete back? Maybe they just didn't think it was worth the time, since most players don't write to their villagers - but I always did), is too much. I know I would be living differently in this game if I had the option. I would be diving a LOT, for example. Or, heck, I'd be farming butterflies like I have in every game (the spring butterfly peak was my favourite thing), but they took that away... my favourite thing at the start of this game was just chilling in the afternoon while watering my flowers and catching bugs...
It's well known psychologically that people are generally more willing to wait for things when they have some idea when they're coming - it makes perceived waiting time a lot easier to bear for people - this is an old thing that influenced the design of elevators, train stations, etc. I could never see the devs of AC wanting to ruin the surprise or wanting to reduce the game to something as mundane as a roadmap, especially during uncertain times. But there's nothing whimsical about the surprise of updates to me, idk.. I am poor at tolerating surprises, though, and that's why I've always loved AC, it's been a very consistent and reliable game since the beginning... my partner and I were looking at old GCN footage and he was shocked at how much it was basically the same
On a more positive note, I always thought WW was underappreciated for how much it brought to the series in terms of core features and identity, and the quality of its writing and how much that made up for the objective sparseness of it, but this game is really making me appreciate that more, and I feel like I finally might be able to replay any of the old ACs now. (Whereas I had finally hit my limit of interest in WW.)
I mean, I really love this game, I'm sorry, I just have such distressed feelings about it sometimes, because AC was the one thing from my childhood that I valued the most, the one comfort thing I had that was still always improving, where my feelings towards Nintendo and other companies didn't interfere with my feelings towards the game, etc. I'll always have those games, but I mean, I opened up New Leaf the other day, was having a good time, and then trampled one of my lilies of the valley (because I forgot you can't run in that game) and powered it off immediately. dsghdg