Super unpopular rant and I really don't mean to be mean or sound like I'm dumping on TTs (because TT is a perfectly valid way to play the game, yadda yadda). With the ability to TT it means that people are finishing the update in one day. If there are a lot of complaints about there being nothing to do, then wouldn't it be their fault for rushing the game since it is designed to be played in real-time?
I guess I'm just excited for the update, but a little disappointed seeing it being completed in just a few hours since the release. I know that there are going to be people complaining about how it didn't bring enough stuff to do (not on here, but on other places around the web). You can say all you want that "it doesn't affect your playstyle" and "what other people do on a single-player game doesn't matter on your island". But it is still a bit disappointing to see all the fantastic hype and chatter and know that in a few days people are going to be back and complaining about a lack of content.
Semi-sorry for the ramble. Again, I really don't care if you TT or not. It is your game and you play it how you love to play it. I just had to get this off my chest in a community that will get it and not just my husband who plays the game super casually. ❤
I guess I'm just excited for the update, but a little disappointed seeing it being completed in just a few hours since the release. I know that there are going to be people complaining about how it didn't bring enough stuff to do (not on here, but on other places around the web). You can say all you want that "it doesn't affect your playstyle" and "what other people do on a single-player game doesn't matter on your island". But it is still a bit disappointing to see all the fantastic hype and chatter and know that in a few days people are going to be back and complaining about a lack of content.
Semi-sorry for the ramble. Again, I really don't care if you TT or not. It is your game and you play it how you love to play it. I just had to get this off my chest in a community that will get it and not just my husband who plays the game super casually. ❤