This is about to be long, but I'm so fed up with this one particular problem I've had lol
My major grievance right now is the elusiveness of walking stick bugs...I...just...don't understand why I have had 0 luck with finding one yet. I've started cracking down about finding one since their season ends after November for Northern Hem, and I have not seen a single one. Not one. They've been around in the NH since July and I haven't seen ONE, like what the hell?
I started scouring the web for tips on catching them, but to no avail. I did the trick where you travel to a Nook mystery island, get rid of every single tree, weed, flower, and rock, and just focus on the palm trees--didn't work. I did more googling and saw multiple sources suggest there's a "spawn condition" of catching 20 bugs in one sitting first before walking sticks can spawn--didn't work. I saw someone on reddit show video proof that there was a glitch about walking sticks being entirely invisible in a previous patch (around 1.3.0), but still catchable, so I started swinging at barren trees hoping there was an invisible, glitched-out bug on them--didn't work. Literally nothing has worked. It's not an error on my end as far as I know, I've been searching for them at the proper time frames and ensuring I'm walking slow enough not to scare them away.
I'm going to be wholly pissed off if I have to wait until July 2021 to catch a walking stick because of an error on Nintendo's part lol. I don't see what else I'm supposed to do to catch one at this point.