The ACNH Rant Thread

I’m basically doing a massive reply post to Sora’s “worried about NH’s future” post that’s gonna go into why I think NH’s turned out the way it has so far (been working on it on and off for a couple of days) that I’ll end up posting at some point soon, but as someone who massively enjoys the game, I also find a lot that annoys me. I’ve got an entire list of things for both!

Positive’s edging ahead in the lead atm, but that’s because I’ve changed my mind on one (wands being useless) because of the Mario outfits, and realised that the other (not being able to hear the sea when you’re in a house next to it) was due to the house I was using to test it having wallpaper that had no windows.

(sidenote in reply to @cocoacat: Boy, I sure hope that Lottie having melody data in the most recent datamine and the New Years trailer having a scene with the heavy-curtain wall having a window (when it doesn’t usually) are connected... because some things not having windows SUCKS. I’m also hoping for more lighting options, purely because my favourite lighting option from NL (the greeny-gold one the Exotic Lamp and the wall-mounted spotlight has) isn’t one of the options and it makes me usually just go without and use natural light throughout the daytime)

However, despite the positives existing, the negatives do too. I’ve gotten annoyed with people for being too incessantly negative or hyperbolic about something, but I can’t lie, I also find the “why do you want THIS back” people annoying as well because it’s the opposite extreme and you’re just resigning to the game not getting any better either, and that sucks!

It’s just something that requires getting the balance right, without verbally abusing the devs or praising every stupid thing the game or Nintendo does as if it’s a good idea. Finding the positives, but calling out the negatives.

Anyway, I could go on further, but I’ve already done a HUGE WALL OF TEXT already and I don’t wanna repeat my thread in progress... so yeah, rant ahead!
Not so much a rant and more of a general question, but why does Nintendo make all new things cost in game currency instead of either
1.) making it just happen automatically (For example why do we need to pay for more storage, more design slots, and for the NookPhone design portal? Why was it not just loaded into our game?)
2.) Embedding it into an already existing mechanic? (Like with new reactions. Why do we have to buy reactions instead of our villagers just continuing to teach them to us?)

I feel like they are trying to make these updates "make sense" within the game world and have a reason for being there instead of just appearing.

I honestly don't have a problem with it, I just find it interesting that they incorporate having a reason for things to suddenly appear, which is something I feel to be more common in RPGs.

Although now that I think about would make sense for our villagers to teach us dancing reactions as we neared why didn't they just do that??
Boy, I sure hope that Lottie having melody data in the most recent datamine and the New Years trailer having a scene with the heavy-curtain wall having a window (when it doesn’t usually) are connected... because some things not having windows SUCKS.

I hadn't heard anything about this. Lottie and windows? 😍 Not going to get my hopes too high, but I hope so, too! Doors would be awesome as well.
I hadn't heard anything about this. Lottie and windows? 😍 Not going to get my hopes too high, but I hope so, too! Doors would be awesome as well.
Well thats another character added besides Brewster that is in the data mines to return. I am more curious what Lottie would do besides Brewster to be honest. Lottie was part of the HHA and the only thing I remember was that she gave you that feature to move around furniture in New Leaf using the touch screen. That is already in New Horizons so that would be pointless. I am not sure what her role would be.
Well thats another character added besides Brewster that is in the data mines to return. I am more curious what Lottie would do besides Brewster to be honest. Lottie was part of the HHA and the only thing I remember was that she gave you that feature to move around furniture in New Leaf using the touch screen. That is already in New Horizons so that would be pointless. I am not sure what her role would be.
She was never in NL until the WA update. Her origin is from HHD. Not saying you didn't know that, just putting it out there for anyone who doesn't know. So when she came over to NL, it was just to explain the new HHD features that were brought over to the WA update. After that. she wasn't used for much else.

It'd be cool if she could upgrade our designing features so that we can do that rotate/move furniture upgrade to the outside. Wishful thinking I know, but placing stuff outside can get so annoying.

I do hope this datamine actually happens soon and isn't like when Brewster was data-mined and now we're left wondering if they jumped the gun or just killed him from the game.
She was never in NL until the WA update. Her origin is from HHD. Not saying you didn't know that, just putting it out there for anyone who doesn't know. So when she came over to NL, it was just to explain the new HHD features that were brought over to the WA update. After that. she wasn't used for much else.

It'd be cool if she could upgrade our designing features so that we can do that rotate/move furniture upgrade to the outside. Wishful thinking I know, but placing stuff outside can get so annoying.

I do hope this datamine actually happens soon and isn't like when Brewster was data-mined and now we're left wondering if they jumped the gun or just killed him from the game.
Well I don't want to speculate but I am just going to guess that they have to update her role to become more useful if she becomes like part of the game. We have yet to see new characters actually make an impact on our island so this could be the opportunity for Lottie to be more useful since I don't think many people talk about her as much. What they will do with her is unknown so we will have to wait and see.
I wish Jolly Redd still walked around the island. It would be neat if the developers would make it so that more NPCs just walked around the island. I miss the days when you could stumble upon Jolly Redd and Harvey on a new island. And it's always fun to look around and then find Celeste.
I wish Jolly Redd still walked around the island. It would be neat if the developers would make it so that more NPCs just walked around the island. I miss the days when you could stumble upon Jolly Redd and Harvey on a new island. And it's always fun to look around and then find Celeste.
Feel like special villagers are not as interesting as they were before. Leif and Kicks are the only ones that really should get their shops by now. I have no use for Saharah since I got most of the flooring, rugs, and wallpaper I wanted from her. Flick and CJ they are only there if you wanted to catch fish/bugs and sell for bells which btw I have a ton of bells so I could care less. Gulliver and Gullivarr are no longer that great since you already gotten everything they had to offer.

Its sad because I used to be happy seeing these villagers and the ones that I remember visiting the most are Celeste and Redd. The thing is I already gotten all the DIYS from Celeste and the only time I would see her is she will sometimes give out star fragments. Which is cool but sometimes its RNG when she gives a large star fragment or a rare fragment that is hard to get from wishing from stars. Redd is pointless because I completed my Art Museum last year so I don't find myself going to him anymore.

There needs to be more NPCS to keep the game interested. I know that Brewster and recently Lotti is in the datamines but again we really don't know when they will be coming.
Just passing through to bemoan the room sizes for player character homes in New Horizons. I've been coming up with fun ideas for how to decorate some of my characters' homes, but I've had to compromise a few things because the back and side rooms are so godawful small.

Speaking of homes, not particularly fond of the selection for exteriors from Nook. Like, I feel like nothing looks good with a purple roof, the pinks of the roofs don't seem match the mailboxes or doors, and overall selection feels limited compared to New Leaf. Also, one particular character's house would look nice with a white roof like there was in New Leaf. There's a "white" thatch one, but it's not really the white I'm talking about and also isn't the style I'd want for the house either (would prefer tile).

That's all for now. I'll probably have other annoyances to post about some other time.
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I'm happy with this game for the most part, and I know that the employees at Nintendo probably worked really hard to create this game from scratch with a new engine, implementing new ideas (crafting), and making all of the small details as perfect as possible, but I do still scratch my head about a few things every now and again. Why did Brewster's face appear in one of the first trailers, but we still don't have the coffee shop? Where are gyroids? Why are so many iconic furniture sets missing entirely? Why is the villager dialogue so repetitive?

Like I said, I know this game was probably difficult to program, and maybe I'm being impatient, but the drip-fed content is sort of disappointing. It really is strange that what we received for the one-year anniversary is kind of... nothing lol.
Brewster and gyroids may come in a future update since they are in the game files (well for gyroids idk about Brewster but I personally THINK he's coming back but we'll see)
And like someone on the thread said (forgot who) villager dialogue may be repetitive because that's not the point of the game. The main goal is to decorate your dream island with whatever furniture you want, with 7 villagers you can choose to invite, (the other 3 are the starters and the forced camper who has a high chance of being smug.) So this is just my opinion, but I think Nintendo wants us to not focus on the villagers, but the island itself. Sure, you can gift villagers, but that's optional. Villagers in this game are sort of decorations (if that even makes sense) in the sense of you get a villager, they do their hobby, they eat or drink, go into their house, sit down, fish, craft, etc, all of your entertainment.
does anyone know if:
B. running with a balloon still guarantees tripping and losing it? rant ahead: i always thought this 'mechanic' was stupid as hell (because why would you punish players for running with a balloon?) and hoped it might've just been an oversight when they implemented tripping, but idk. i wouldn't mind if it was like NL where you only tripped on bad luck days and balloons/coffee would be casualties of that if you were holding them, but now it's like. you can only trip when running while holding a balloon (or wearing the king tut mask) and when you do (because you will), you're guaranteed to lose your balloon. doesn't make any sense. why would you intrinsically link tripping to running with a balloon? especially when it's an item you're going to lose as a result.
This!!! One of my favourite items in the game is the red balloon (I love balloons lol) and I'm still bitter over the fact that I can't even use it unless I'm ok with just walking everywhere. The first time I lost it I gambled for ages to get it again but just ended up displaying it, when I wish I could just hold it and bop it and run around :( It's such a depressing item if you think about it.

I thought I was the only one who wasn't a fan of the lightning in this game. I absolutely agree that the Sanrio wallpapers look so bad with no windows, which give the room better lightning. The innate lightning the rooms have in this game are so bad imo, it wasn't this bad in New Leaf or Pocket Camp, where it still looked pastel. I'm just not a fan of the yellow ones that looks like some dark basement or the white one that's simply too harsh!
Not to mention the lamps kind of suck. I think I have 8 Wall lamps and maybe 4 candle items and a fireplace in my basement room, and without the main light it still looks dark and dingy! Like what were they thinking when designing these lights lol. In NL you could put up a single red coloured lamp and it lit up the whole room in red. I wish we could do that here.
This!!! One of my favourite items in the game is the red balloon (I love balloons lol) and I'm still bitter over the fact that I can't even use it unless I'm ok with just walking everywhere. The first time I lost it I gambled for ages to get it again but just ended up displaying it, when I wish I could just hold it and bop it and run around :( It's such a depressing item if you think about it.

same! i still walk/run everywhere with bunny ballons in NL, and i miss being able to do the same in NH. i did the raffle until i got five of every balloon so i could realistically gamble with running around a bit, but i shouldn't have to is the problem. when i lost my first one, i just shrugged it off and assumed i was having a bad luck day (since i heard they'd implemented luck) but then i lost a second and realized, no, not luck, just tripping specifically when running with a balloon and forcing you to lose it for some completely stupid reason.
I've been playing since last May and I haven't yet received the Cafe Curtain Wall from Sahara. I have 3 or 4 copies of it now, but I got them all by trading. Early in the game, I paid $600K bells on Nookazon for my first Cafe Curtain Wall. Sahara keeps giving me the same items and mostly the ones that I don't like and never use. Sigh.
So I got a whoopee cushion and wow..
Why nintendo, WHY did you make it so the whoopee cushion won't sit on top of most chairs, and the ones that it will sit on top of you cannot sit on. How are you supposed to fool your friends? This is so, so stupid..
Omg, really? Why would they make a whoopee cushion if it wasn't even usable? I mean what's even the point? If that's too hard to code then they could have given us something like water-spraying flowers or a banana peel that made you slip lol. Or if they were ambitious, a pie-throwing emote 😆
Omg, really? Why would they make a whoopee cushion if it wasn't even usable? I mean what's even the point? If that's too hard to code then they could have given us something like water-spraying flowers or a banana peel that made you slip lol. Or if they were ambitious, a pie-throwing emote 😆

Yeah rofl, the only time you can use it is if it's sitting on the ground by itself. Like "LOL you sat on this very obvious whoopee cushion, gotcha!!"
They should have just brought froggy chair back.
I hope the next update rises the limit of how many items you can order from the Nook Shop per day. Even if they just rise it from 5 to 10, it would be really helpful. Right now it's just annoying and slows down everything, like I don't understand why they even set a limit at all.
So I got a whoopee cushion and wow..
Why nintendo, WHY did you make it so the whoopee cushion won't sit on top of most chairs, and the ones that it will sit on top of you cannot sit on. How are you supposed to fool your friends? This is so, so stupid..
Never would have I thought that Nintendo really somehow manages to ruin a whoopee cushion and the way of how to use it. With that being said, I miss Blanca and April Fool's Day even more now.
After 1 year the game still feels stale. Isabelle doesn't even talk about anything interesting only her personal life, the villagers are still repeating the same topics, and of course everything else feels the same. I know I mentioned this so many times but I just wish the game had more life to it. All I wanted was to chill with my villagers but then I remember why I stopped talking to them. Not to mention it feels like yesterday when the island was completed. I know that the game encourages designing but the main problem is that there isn't enough stuff to do to keep you motivated.

I already completed all the nook mile achievements, gotten all of the fossils, fish, sea creatures, art/statues for the museum so thats that. Of course I gotten all of the dream villagers I wanted. My island is complete and right now even after taken a break I am still stuck on what to do. I refuse to restart my island because I don't want to throw 3,000 hours of hard work away. Its really frustrating to even think what to do these days. I know people say "well change up your island" but I done that several times so I don't have plans to do it.

I really hope when we get a big update there would be so much more added to the game with more shop upgrades, new npcs, and maybe new achievements for Nook Miles. I am not asking for much and I know people are still happy with the game for it is, but I am struggling to find a reason to keep on playing. I know I've been playing different games to pass the game which has helped but I ran out of other stuff to play. Its really frustrating.
All this rain and flower spawning is killing me. Never thought there'd be a day when I'd say I wish for an anti-flower ordinance rather than weeds. However, I'd gladly choose plucking weeds over digging up excess flowers, hnhngnhnhngn. Make it stop, nintendo.
I feel like my game already got laggy with the amount of pathing designs so I'm worried just adding more clear boxes to block them will just make it worse.
After 1 year the game still feels stale. Isabelle doesn't even talk about anything interesting only her personal life, the villagers are still repeating the same topics, and of course everything else feels the same. I know I mentioned this so many times but I just wish the game had more life to it. All I wanted was to chill with my villagers but then I remember why I stopped talking to them. Not to mention it feels like yesterday when the island was completed. I know that the game encourages designing but the main problem is that there isn't enough stuff to do to keep you motivated.

I already completed all the nook mile achievements, gotten all of the fossils, fish, sea creatures, art/statues for the museum so thats that. Of course I gotten all of the dream villagers I wanted. My island is complete and right now even after taken a break I am still stuck on what to do. I refuse to restart my island because I don't want to throw 3,000 hours of hard work away. Its really frustrating to even think what to do these days. I know people say "well change up your island" but I done that several times so I don't have plans to do it.

I really hope when we get a big update there would be so much more added to the game with more shop upgrades, new npcs, and maybe new achievements for Nook Miles. I am not asking for much and I know people are still happy with the game for it is, but I am struggling to find a reason to keep on playing. I know I've been playing different games to pass the game which has helped but I ran out of other stuff to play. Its really frustrating.

I ran into this issue too and have been struggling on opening my game for more than a half hour each time because there's not much left for me to do and I haven't been that inspired to decorate. Nintendo doesn't seem to release many updates lately to satisfy the players who have completed mostly everything on their save file and are itching for something new to complete (aside from item collecting). I hope that soon they will acknowledge the people who have been playing for a long while and completed everything. I really think we're due for new shops/upgrades soon or some new mechanic like cooking. I'd say just keep on trying out new games! That's what keeps me entertained while I wait for a gameplay update and less frustrated.
THIS 100000000000000%!

I feel exactly the same way.

I keep expecting something decent like we had plenty of in NL, then after waiting a year they give us a WHOOPEE cushion, and because I'm not incessantly gushing over it, when we are in dire need of furniture, I'm attacked for it, and told to be grateful because it's FREE? O_O

I paid for a game that should have been better than it's previous titles.

I got an empty, soulless game, that is nothing but one huge grind.
I think it's a fine line. I've found that your opinion alone, even sharing you've every right to express. I think when you try pushing that opinion on others, then it becomes an issue. Granted you haven't done that, but you get my meaning. Your opinion by itself shouldn't affect their enjoyment of the game and if it does they probably shouldn't be hanging out in a rant thread. My two cents.