The ACNH Rant Thread

Can we talk about the atrocious load time? Like why. And then we get to listen to Isabelle talk about nonsense, hitting buttons to skip as fast as possible.

When I found out New Horizons was developed by the Splatoon 2 team Isabelle's lengthy intro you can't skip made sense as that game does exactly the same thing with Marina and Pearl's looong intro at the start (which you also can't skip!)
I wish there were neutral color choices on every item. The halloween arch is perfect for my island theme and I can't use it bc of the pumpkins, plus there are other things that I'm like "this would look pretty cute in white" and there's NO white option.

I think part of this problem is the lack of furniture sets in the game.
The light switch that goes on the wall.

When placed on the wall, it’s over my head!

Nobody has a light switch that high!
My beef is this:


If you're a human, then what kind of skeletons are those???
how are cicadas so common everywhere in summer but I cannot for the life of me find a SINGLE cicada shell eRrghHGHHHH
This is why my island is never finished lol
Can we talk about the atrocious load time? Like why. And then we get to listen to Isabelle talk about nonsense, hitting buttons to skip as fast as possible.
lol I usually boot the game up late after work (I put in double shifts) and I legit fall asleep and wake up to button mash Isabelle's ramblings and then just conk out again lol.
how are cicadas so common everywhere in summer but I cannot for the life of me find a SINGLE cicada shell eRrghHGHHHH
They're super rate. You need to be lucky or go to an island and terraform it to just have trees for the shell to hopefully be on. I did that and spent maybe 1/2 hour until I came across one. Be super careful to not bump into the tree.

This is why my island is never finished lol
That's me, but when trying to make rivers a certain way.
I know I'm delusional since we don't even have a third upgrade of Nook's or gyroids (yet), but I would love if we could customize our villagers houses. Also wish we had more plants and planters in this game. I thought the Bunny Day planter was cute if not for the eggs... I think the most pressing thing for me right now is letting us buy however many flowers/tools, etc we want and craft stuff with a number counter.
just now, when i noticed a fossil or a bamboo shoot hole, i wanted to get it... but it was in my circle of bamboo trees enclosed by bushes...

my putting the bushes there backfired on me!!

so i had to dug a couple of them up, get the fossil that was there & put them back...

it was in here ...
just now, when i noticed a fossil or a bamboo shoot hole, i wanted to get it... but it was in my circle of bamboo trees enclosed by bushes...

my putting the bushes there backfired on me!!

so i had to dug a couple of them up, get the fossil that was there & put them back...

it was in here ...
Drop a transparent qr path in that spot and nothing will grow/be buried there.

I didn't come to my realization right away, but they didn't bother doing the Earth day event where they add some additional greenery NM+ tasks. It's not a whole lot, but it's kind of a shame they didn't bother to add it in again. It'd be an extra task for us to do if we are in the mood. They have the work already done, so I'm sure all they had to do was implement it again for 2021.
I think what most kills me is how you can only craft one item at a time and how slow online play is ugh..
I‘m on an IPad and haven’t figured out how to post a pic and online photo hosting sites have turned out to be horrible. :(
It may be part of the NSO subscription but there might be the option to send the photo directly to your ipad from the switch's album? I think you can scan a qr or something.

As for my rant, I agree that not having some nature day stuff to do beyond buying the globe was a bit of a let-down :(
As for my rant, I agree that not having some nature day stuff to do beyond buying the globe was a bit of a let-down :(
I would rather have things like events and the such already be built in the game if it means they have to manually update it each year to carry over. The game is still young, going strong, and receiving updates, but they couldn't bother to carry something simple like that over while we wait for the next update/month. It's not even like they replaced it with something else of equal value. So this month was void of anything worthwhile.
Can you post a picture or video?

I found a site to use. This was the best I could do for now. I may figure it out more later.

This is a pic of my game on the switch-lite, taken with my IPad.

As you can see, the white rectangle above my head is the light switch. It always ends up at this height, no matter which room I‘m in.
