Hello! I apologize for asking about something that you're not specifically offering, but I'm looking for something specific that I haven't been able to find elsewhere yet.
Would you be willing/able to do a quick trade/tradeback for Dex data in Pokémon HOME?
If this isn't something you can do, or you don't want to do it for whatever reason, that's perfectly fine, I just figured I'd ask, just in case.
Would you be willing/able to do a quick trade/tradeback for Dex data in Pokémon HOME?
Buying - LF: Tradeback for Dex Data in Pokémon HOME (Iron Crown and Iron Boulder) Offering: TBT, Pokémon
To be completely clear right from the start: You will get to keep your Pokémon; I just want the Dex data. I'll be paying you for the service you'd be doing for me, not for the Pokémon. UPDATE: I only need Iron Crown and Iron Boulder's data now. I've seen other people exchanging TBT for help in...
If this isn't something you can do, or you don't want to do it for whatever reason, that's perfectly fine, I just figured I'd ask, just in case.