The Bell Tree Story (2)


Senior Member
Dec 30, 2005
Yellow Candy
<big><big><big><big><big>BOOK 2</big></big></big>

<big><big><big>Chapter 1</big>

<big><big><big>History of the Clan of V</big>

The Clan of V is a ancient clan, and was made of the very elite peoples. Peoples that had guns.... and they were illegal in this part of the world. The 'higher power' wanted fair fights. This brought up several mysteries. Who was the 'higher power' and what was the Clan of V after? It seemed that it was nothing. If you ever even saw a warrior of the clan, you'd be dead, stunned, or tied up, or dead AND stunned AND tied up. And the rest was to horrible to mention. But some members were helping. Many thought this a mystery. Until a mistake was made of their killings. You see, they all swore a vow to be the same... as like a family. They each had a amulet that was the same and was put on the heel of the foot. That was the tool of their demise when a young girl came along - the Clan thinking she was their next victim. She was poor and smart and thought of being a brave hero, and tackling the 'poor to rich' and 'girls can't be the hero' things. That was the day. She was walking until a member of the Clan of V striked until she tripped on a root near her tree she played under and the member banged into the tree, falling, then knocking of a dead branch, landing on his foot, smashing his amulet. When it smashed, he was blown to bits, that only harmed him and his members, which made them all die. They were banished to a book with all their secrets, their HQ tower vanishing too, and all trace on their exsistance. They were soon forgotten, but they did another curse. If the world around them ever forgotten them, they would be too. The whole world vanished and turned to a desert. Including their mountian, which had their last remaining proof of the world that vanished. Only some was left of the land that wasn't covered by the sand, which is TBT. But now that land is back, and now we will have to deal with the Clan of V again....but I dobut they will use the amulet togetherness again...

And with that, the 2nd The Bell Tree Story has begun.

Confused? What is this story? Click here for the first one!
*claps* YAY

Get the w00t bear.
Justin125 said:
*claps* YAY

Get the w00t bear.
-gets the w00t beer kegs-


-grabs a big dino egg and pours lots of w00t beer in and swims in it-

Yay!!!! -drinks-

Get your own Pool Egg of w00t beer!

<big><big><big>Chapter 2</big>

<big><big><big>The New Me</big>

As I planned to go to TBT, as all the old-time things rose up I had to stay put. Anything could happen during this giant shift of things, and it was wierd. Crumbled rocks... turned into big boulders.... lakes turned into oceans.... islands to continets.. very awkward indeed. All of a sudden... the swamp that I was in got bigger, and Triforce3force rose up from the swamp too! She though.... went back to her evil past she grew up in.... I knew that all my acomplishments came to my undoing and was more work. All I've banished and killed came back. Then all of a sudden..... somthing was happening...not to things around me... to me! Fanghorn was yelling in pain saying 'The wish is too powerful for me to control! To gain balance... I will need.... to gi-give somthing in subsitute to settle this.. I will need your body.'. All of a sudden, I felt like a baloon, and turned to gas. It was my soul. It was mint green. All of a sudden Fanghorn said 'The only way for you to be yourself in the right body will... be tough. Everyone that knew you will now know you as someone unknown. I will make you into a small.... little... gnome?'. Gnome?!?!? A gnome???? I looked at me.... tiny.. Pointy ears, pointed with a hat that slanted, and was wearing mystical blue clothes. Fanghorn said 'I'm sorry, but this was the best form I could find with my power....'. He left in a flash. My K scar was still on my palm, which was strange because it was supposed to be unique for my body. I headed off.. but then a rustle happened... I hid in a bush and looked, it was a OddCrazyMe I'd never seen before. He was a ninja! The hood and a everything. It was the first ninja I saw. Then he quickly left after what sort've looked like a mission. A scroll was left behind... it read:


80,000 bells for the head of a Clan of V member!

All unknown named or shape!

Idenified by a ruby necklace with a V ingraved into it, with a blue glow to it!


I saw hordes of TBT members stampede to the new land also. I took the scroll and put it into my back sack. Then, I saw... red eyes and blood stained teeth gleaming at me...... me.... Kolvo the Gnome Dinner...
WAIT! In the first book I was a good guy that helped you and now I am a evil ninja? Im' confuzzled. :wacko:
Hey i just noticed this was here

:p sorta short. I wish i wasn't gone in this story

but thanks to this story i made an image not viewable in IE

<big><big><big>Chapter 3</big>

<big><big><big>A Secret Unfolds Part 1</big>

It was Lone_Wolf!!! He attacked me and gave me a good scratch. I escaped between his legs and ran into a log and shuddered. In my conciousness, I said 'Oh no.... I've lost my identity. If I try to convince anybody that I'm me, they will think I'm a fraud, and send me in the ban chambers! Then, I heard Bulerias whistle for Lone_Wolf, and backed off, and ran off. I wondered in my mind 'Hmm.... what was happening at TBT while I was gone with Triforce3force? Wait, I hear noises, I better hide!'. I hid in some bushes. I saw a large party of members of TBT. There was OddCrazyMe, Ultrabyte (hmmmm never seen him before...) and more others way to far to name. I looked through and they were talking. This was the conversation:

OddCrazyMe: You know everybody, when will we get to do somthing? I've been waiting, all of us have.
Bulerias: I know, but we have to set out plans, there is much to do. We need to capture Clan of V members, chart the uncharted territories risen from the past, and find Kolvo, we cannot let him escape, even though the Clan of V is smart, they are also persuasive.
SPORGE: Pursuasive? What do you mean?
Bulerias: I mean they will persuade Kolvo into joining them. He has too much power that makes up 4/16 of TBT's power. The most any regular member should have.
SPORGE: I can tell by his power. (he shows off scars from past fights)
Bulerias: Its just odd... but his..... past explains it.
Justin125: Why, what is it?
Bulerias: Well.... here it is:

<big><big><big>Chapter 3</big>

<big><big><big>A Secret Unfolds Part 2</big>

<big><big><big>The History of Kolvo</big>

As far back as I can tell, this is the tale of how Kolvo was found.... but not his birth... wherever that is... but his history traces back to the village of Lonop. It was a stormy day that day and the village seemed fine. Until a food shortage came, and the villagers were desperate. They scowered the town for food, just killing all animals, but the holy Llamas of their great god, Tormeede. But 1 villager did not care for their religion. A boy named Rom, killed a Llama and cooked it for breakfast. The god was angry with them. She summoned a plague upon them. The first, was beetles, devouring their flesh. The second, was trolls, crushing their bones. The last, was reapers, to suck out their souls, leaving no trace of them behind. The god told them, and they would not stand a chance, and must suffer. They turned to their other god Kormado, for relief before the plague would begin. He told them to bring him the boy to him as a sacrifice and they would pay them back with a demi-God, to fight off the plague. They did, and the boy suffered for his ignorince. Then, from the forest, a boy in green, white, and blue emerged called Kolvo came and ridded the plague. Then he came to TBT...


<big><big><big>Chapter 3

A Secret Unfolds Part 3

Continued the chapter</big>

The bunch of them, wide eyed stared at Bulerias with shock. How could this boy, they have known, be a demi-God? I was in shock, too. A-a-a-am I even a real person, or just some tool for man-kind to use as a weapon against evil.
Triforce3force: So.... (she paused and stared at a tree)
Bulerias: Yes, I know its a shock. The admins have information of all of our orgins. I've seen shocking ones..... but none so shocking. But their is 1 thing about him that I keep a close eye on: He.... cannot be between sides.
OddCrazyMe: What do you mean?
Bulerias: I mean, he is Good or Evil. He cannot be between. And he has too much power. If he is evil, he will be able to destroy alot.
Lone_Wolf was nuging on UltraByte to look in the bushes... my bushes. He headed over and picked me up, and I started kicking. 'Let me gooooooo!!! You jerk head!'. He said 'Who is this twerp?'. I said 'I'm Kolvo, Kolvo, Kolvo, KOLVO!!!'. They all laughed. Bulerias said 'Prove it. Tell me...hmm.....hmmmmmm.... a PM I sent to him.'. I whispered it and he hung his mouth open. 'Its him....'. OddCrazyMe said 'But why is he a gnome?'. SPORGE said 'He thinks he is too lame being a human, so he needs to be something lowlier, a gnome.'. Triforce3force read a book and said 'I read in a book, that book in the library back then, that there are shapeshifters, than can be anything, but a certain color to always be, and apparently, I'm only seeing one color, mint green.'. She was right... UltraByte said 'I still want proof, show me your legendary scar of K.'. I flashed it at him. It was definate. I turned into a raven a flew off. I said 'I'm going to the library Triforce found out about shapeshifting.. and finding out about my past. and flew off.
<big><big><big>Chapter 4</big>

<big><big><big>The Invisable House</big>

As I flew...... I heard whizzing of somthing and BA-CHUTE! I was caught by a net gun by Bulerias. 'I forgot somthing... you can't go yet, I need you as a teacher.'. I said '....But why??? I'm already hunting down the Clan of V.'. Bulerias said 'You barely even know what their cause is, where they are at, and who they are.'.

Cut in: The whole first chapter about the Clan of V, wasn't really me telling that... it was like.. someone else telling it like a Prolouge. Chapter 1 acted like that.
Back to story.

'I know, but they are eeeeevil! I hunt evil!'. Bulerias said 'I guess so, they changed from last time and now are pure evil... but we still need our members trained to fight. I've signed you up for Magic class teacher. Triforce3force would have been it... but she wanted to be a archer... as for melee, thats UltraByte. Now you will be looking for The Invisable House... when I say invisable, I mean to non-magical people, to you, it isn't. So, go teach, you know everything about magic almost.'. I nodded and headed off to the TBT forest, where all Members chatted about this-and-that. I walked past the Town Dump (Justin125 was throwing in the air, threads, and Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 was setting them on fire.) and saw a house that looked more like a castle. I headed in and there was few there. PrinceBoo was there, invisable of course, and Koehler, and some others. Then... WHAAAAAAAAAACK!! I got hit in the head with a book. I got knocked out. I woke up and voices chattered around me... I forgot everything I knew.... my memories. STORMTROOPER8888 just glimpsed at me and ran away, out the door. All I knew was my magic... I got up, I looked around. I started to teach. 'Erm.. Hi everyone. I am your Magic teacher. There are 4 classes of magic. Wizards, Mages, Magi, and Summoners. For today, I will explain them.

Wizards are the lowest class of magic people, which most of TBT is. They require wands, and know few spells. They, come to classes like these.

The next, mages is the fewest of TBT, excluding me. They can do magic by hand, know alot of spells, and are just 1 up from form wizards.

Magi are next, and they are the best of them all, and there is only 1 of them: Me, Kolvo. They know all of the spells, but only few are not known, as they are within familes, villages, clans, and etc.

Last of all, Summoners. This class has controversy. They are referred to Necromancers, but they don't use magic, but obtain items of the dead, use incantations and raise the dead and use them to their power. Summoners, raise, you could say shadows with spells, and mold them into animals and beasts. They have minds of their own, and are NOT dead.

I will... er.. see you tommorow. They rushed out and ran off. I walked out and saw a invisable ghost running off into the forest. I chased it and ran into a tube in the ground (...odd) and fell into a dark chamber. The white ghost floated toward me.... tentacles seized me... and the chamber lights came on... I have found.... the hideout of The Clan of V!
Yeah. Its hard in the story when someone changes their name. So you don't know how to transverse it with the current plot.
<big><big><big>Chapter 5

Deaths and the Clan of V</big>

I wirggled as hard as I could, but escaping failed. 2 more people jumped down the hole though, stalking me. Bulerias and UltraByte. Bulerias said 'Wow..... this place is..... scary.'. I looked around and it was... the most horrific sight. Demonic statues, and Gothic oranments were spreaded around. Then, red candles lit, and black ones too. The tentacles..... were robots! Mysterious Voice said 'Its taken the community 2 years to find the culprit of why people have been bad..... being banned.... and they have finally found it... I am..... not a human..... nor a member... but first...... *wheeze*.. I request revenge..... on my enemies....' BANG!!!! *gunshot* I peered over but the area Bulerias and UltraByte were in was shrouded with darkness. I said 'WHO ARE YOU???'. The voice said 'I am the Admins and Moderaters worst enemy. I am their karma that comes back to get them when they have done wrong. I am..... the Spirit of the Banned! Yes, you know who is dead in this room then, Kolvo? Bulerias.... *wheeze*.' UltraByte gave a growl. Spirit of the Banned said 'Don't be so shocked. Several of your members... are my spies. How else, could we attack TBT, so undetected? And now I shall kill you too... seeing you have so much fun, while I, the spirit of all that was banned, hides as a shadow?!?!? ITS NOT THAT GREAT TO BE BANNED!!!! I will give you one wish excluding living, letting you go, and more wishes.'. Then... I remember somthing.... why I was wondering about my past. 'Since you know alot from us, the members, tell me my past!!!'. Spirit said 'Fine.'

'It all started 13 years ago, in the heavens. A God of Insects, yet human, called Jodan, had a son with his human wife, which was killed by a mysterious fire *spirit chuckles at his handiwork*. Jodan was disapointed in his son, as he was scared of his powers, of being god of insects spending time playing with insects, his son did not like. He sent him down to TBT, erasing his memory, and giving him the powers of Good and Evil. He erased his memory, and sent him down to do greatness. He gave him great Magic powers, and here you are today.'

'Now..... prepare to die.....'. I said 'Wait.... I will tell you a good secret, only if when you kill me, you will sacrifice me, for Bulerias resurrection. 'Fine, tell me.'. I said 'I will be sent to the heavens, like all dead people, and can come back... so you might want to contain me...'. Spirit said 'You aren't so dumb as you look... thanks for the advice.'. I said to UltraByte 'Tell TBT, not to forget me. I will give you a ancient device that runs on solar power, it will allow me to see things on TBT still..... please.'


I was dead..... for good.