The Bell Tree Story (2)

Koehler said:
Sweet! I've got a magic shell! :lol:
Yep, put it over your nose and mouth, and you can breathe underwater. You have tons though.

:blink: Lucky.
This is an announcment from Krool: Krool has a few questions. He wants to know: A. Will I be in this Story? and B: Did you get Clan V from Max Payne?
Krool said:
This is an announcment from Krool: Krool has a few questions. He wants to know: A. Will I be in this Story? and B: Did you get Clan V from Max Payne?

I haven't postes this in a while... but here it goes....!
Kyle/Kolvo: The Hook
Trifroce3force: IN DEVELOPMENT
Bulerias: The silver jacket of strength (DEAD)
Smart_Tech_Dragon_15: Lasers
Justin125: Dagger of Dreams
OddCrazyMe: Shurikens
LordHappy: Happy Hat
TERRY16389: Gloves of the Waterwatcher
STORMTROOPER8888: The most powerful gun Stormtroopers use.
POKEFAB: Clone Ball
Koehler: The Magic Shells
link5252: A ordinary sword (SpOiLeR!)
<big><big><big>Chapter 9

The Topaz Underwater Arena</big>

The shark behind me gave me a devastating stare that made the most ferocious dragon wimper, and hunger of a Lion looking at its prey. It said 'I-I-I wasn't going to hu-r-rt yor b-b-b-b-baby... I w-was going to save him.'. The shark said 'Stupid human, its a she. Please, please save my Baby Mario!'. I thought, Mario was a girl's name? Strange. I swaggered off into a coral forest, and carved out a coral scimitar. It was very sharp and pretty. I headed off to the
<big><big><big>Chapter 10

Smart_Tech_Dragon_15's Past Life & the Ruby Sphinx Sphere
(Its at a unexpected place.....!)</big>

It was a light! I was whisked away.... And woke up surrounded by fish. The magic shell allowed me to talk to them and said 'A human....! We need your help! Our village is being savaged by the upper power!!!'. I wondered..... a upper power to them, is not as much a threat to me. 'So, who can I talk to about this 'upper power'?'. They said 'Our mayor, a Colecanth named Sir Meemar.'. I wondered off into this guge shell, where this ancient fish supposedly lived, which exsisted since Dinosaurs. The Colecanth said 'I need your help' it facing the wall 'The upper power is ravaging us, and we need you to fight it.'. 'I have a question sir, will you do a favor for me?'. The Colecanth nodded 'Yes I will, and I have been watching you. You can't defeat that
Koehler said:
Is the demon a Kappa? nice chapter!
No. I'm not asking what TYPE of demon it is.... I am asking who is the demon. You might have to read the story alot.
I reply every 3 posts of a person and say


So I won't be spammy.

The Key is in the chapter!
@ XGT: Not yet..
@ Lone_Wolf: No

Where are you guys getting these wierd names at?