The Bell Tree Story (2)

Err, I don't think I said UltraByte was a girl. Errr or was MeleeMario.

My brain is mashed.

Plus I thought everyone forgot about this.
<big><big><big>Chapter 6

The Demise of the Spirit</big>

UltraByte said 'S-s-so aren't y-you going t-t-t-t-t-to bring back Bul-l-l-l-erias??? The Spirit of the Banned said 'No!!! I'm a genius! I tricked that little freak, Kolvo, into wanting to be slaughtered, if Bulerias would be brought back, but PEE-SHAW! I can't play God and bring back! Only Herbologists, highly advanced Magic that isn't created yet, or a God can! *wheeze* MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'M SO COOL!'. All of a suddenly the place started shaking. Then.... a shadow of Kolvo came to live holding what looked like a sythe of the Grim Reaper but wasn't. Instead a hook was at the end, and the point of the hook was sharp and said 'That must mean I'm cool too.'. The Banned Spirit said 'How'd you do that? You dirty liar!!!!!'. I said 'I know I am, but your a worse one, plus I knew that I was going to die anyway, but I just wanted to try to make a promise with you, but I put a curse on you to see if you ever did not bring Bulerias back, I would come back to live as a shadow! And lookie here..... I'm a shadow. It also said....... you'll be dead!!! HA HA HA!'.
The Spirit of the Banned said ' thats stupid. You can't kill a spirit or a ghost! They just get sent away.'. I said 'But Death Deals can and you broke your deal. Death Deals are very strong, its just like a deal, but they handle lives.'. The Spirit of the Banned said 'Wait....u-u-um n-n-o I won't d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-die!'. I said 'Too bad. Your time is....up!'. I swung my hook at him and he vanished into the air. 'Well....atleast the Banned Spirit is Banned and won't power the spirit. But Bulerias had to die for the cause, to defeat something very strong.'. I motioned UltraByte to the gravity lift to get out of here and hooked Bulerias on my hook and left. 'Here, you go back to TBT....... take Bulerias with you. I need to destroy this place first so I can kill most of the Clan of V before anybody else dies.


I walked past the candles and the room the Spirit was in with all its Gothic ornaments and walked into a black hall. I found a room........ with lots of books......but one book was.....most suprising. It was about me! I took it. I ran down the hall and then I heard gunshots. People were talking in a meeting.

'So, TBT is weakening. Good, good. We'll have them pay for the people they killed, that Spirit was our leader. Do you have that book about Kolvo? He seems he never will die.'
'Yes, yes. But we need to think about all the other members too. They are being trained. And did you hear about Smart_Tech_Dragon's bomb? I hear they plan to nuke our base-'

I started to run off since people were running down the hallway.... some weren't people at all! I jumped out of the hole and ran to the lake of TBT. We were advised not to go there. I didn't know why. Some stupid legend of the
Check check, 1 2.


Oh, I can't see any other post after on of OCM's. Just ignore this.

EDIT: YEP! I can see new posts again! Sorry for this test spam. :s
<big><big><big>Chapter 7

The Letter on the Raft</big>

Dear Kyle,

Yes, yes you heard me. That is your real name. If you haven't already known, Kolvo is a title. A high honor among old kingdoms, that was riddled away along time ago, and the title is forgotten. But, Kyle, is your name, do not mistake that. Now, you are wondering, are you not, why are you on a raft in the middle of the ocean? Well, I know how to revive Bulerias of death, and, perhaps, destroy the Clan of V once and for all. But, you must do trials to gain the power! They are called, Sphinx Spheres. These spheres were worshipped by Sphinxes, not those statues, those Half Man-Half dog animals, like Centaurs. When the Centaurs and Sphinxes went to war over teritory, the Sphinxes won, and statues were made of them throught Egypt today. This was before Egyptians. The Centaurs made a Death Deal, and it said if they ever went extinct, which the Sphinxes ensured, a curse would go on the killer/s and put all power into 10 Spheres and the land of their death, flooded with sand. So it happened, and so it was. The Spheres were then handled and given, to the strongest beasts alive, to be guarded. One of those beasts, is
<big><big><big>Chapter 8

Man *cough Boy* VS. The Beast</big>

As I finished reading the note.... I looked around.... how did I get here? A gust of wind blew it out to ocean and readied myself. I had nothing, only the clothes on my back, and my human strength. This was going to be tough. All of a sudden a booming voice out of nowhere echoed 'BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! WE MEET AGAIN! TINY MORSEL! YOU ESCAPED ME ONCE, BUT NOT AGAIN! PREPARE...... FOR YOUR DOOM!!! PIRAHNAS!!!'. I remembered....
Oh, don't worry, I'm adding characters along the story as I write it. You don't have to worry about not being in it.

Oh and by the way, after this 'book' ends.... I'm going back to the original thread. The one I started the TBT Story on. I regret my idea of making seperate topics, so when it reopens when this book is finished, I will label these chapters coming after those of the first. :yes: And will be re-reading my own chapters I made in the first, and giving them titles, so it will be easier to navigate.