<big><big><big>Chapter 5</big>
POKEFAB was there and he had Pokemon of all sorts. He said 'I wasn't expecting you here, exspecially in our time of crisis. See This wierd cloaked guy came around at speeds very fast. I sent a Arcanine after him but hes just to stealthy! Can you help?'. I agreed and helped. There I checked out the wounded tent. Many Pokemon and few men. But i saw a white wolf. One oddly that looked like Lone_Wolf. A Doctor said 'Yes, came rolling down a moutian. Yes, a few map charters checked out Lightwood forest, which changed. He had severe stings and amnesia. Also there was the OddCrazy person! I studied both of them but all of a sudden - BOOM! A building exploded and bodies went flying and shadow went around, forcing Pokemon against trees. The thing flew at me but I flew away with my K Cap. Then did my new Drill Attack into the ground, and it was Krool! He said 'You took my kingdom away from me! I shall have the world now as debt to your deed! POKEFAB is doomed, just as you will be later on!'. He grabbed me by the legs, twirled me around, and went flying..... I just keep flying everywhere now! I've had it!!!! I made a quick U-Turn and flew at him saying, 'I've had it with you - you wierd dude!'. Ka-pow! His cloak flew off, turned out....it was Justin from cell 125! I said 'Why did you do this to me after I saved you from the Sith?'. He said in a angry voice, 'I was a competitor against them but it turns out, I'm not alone.' Suddenly, a staff appeared in his had, purple colored. Right next to him, the wierd ZELDAFREAK appeared. He had a Triforce in his hand that was dark colored. Then Triforce3force appeared with them, in a dark appearnce as always. Triforce3force said 'We will prevail, and you can't beat us 3 with only you against us! Hahahahahahaha!'. Then a white cloud appeared over, and OddCrazyMe said, 'I'm your guardian Kolvo, and I'm always up for a adventure.' then Lone_Wolf came speeding and with his human voice said 'Evil made me a wolf, so its a fair share that evil gets their payback as well!'. ZELDAFREAK said in his frightening voice said 'Well, well, well, a team battle. Okay, capitans against capitans (Kolvo VS. Justin125) 2nd in commands against vice-versa (OddCrazyMe VS. ZELDAFREAK) and the skilled versus the skilled (Lone_Wolf VS. Trifroce3force). Oh, but we won't fight!'. A bunch of trees collapsed and formed a raft like thing and those 3 hopped on, and us 3 levitated onto the platform. Justin125 said 'Since this n00b Kolvo is such a underwhelming capitan, I'll explain, these logs will seperate and spin, and we will knock eachother off to the ground, oh and watch out for lightning!'. We were in the clouds and we each hopped on our own log of 6. It was on!