The Buck Appreciation Stable!

Friday, February 14, 2025

It’s Valentine’s Day!

Buck and I didn’t want to dine at Brewster’s Café, so Buck arranged a special room for just the two of us. Buck was just making sure his bow tie was straight as we were disturbed by a knock at the front door.


‘Hello! It’s only us, Pete and Pelly!’ Buck and I were interested to find out why Pelly was delivering the mail, as she doesn’t usually leave the Post Office even at the busiest times of the year.


Buck asked ‘Is everything OK, Pelly? We don’t usually see you out and about delivering.’ ‘Buck, it’s because of you, I’ve had to come out!’ she exclaimed. ‘Pete couldn’t manage himself, as there are sacks of mail just for you!’ Buck looked confused and curious. Pete added ‘They are all Valentine cards for you, Buck!’ Buck began to blush. He didn’t know what to say apart from ‘Thank you!’ to Pete and Pelly!

Ihaven’t spoken with you in so long but I’m so happy to see you still posting here and keeping this thread going, it’s so cute. Really brings back memories.