What's your go-to coffee order?
These days It's iced coffee with half milk
When did you first start liking coffee?
When I was 8 yo.
I woke up super moody as usual and my father as a joke said "A little coffee Aniko?" and then left for work, so I thought "yeah why not?" So I started drinking coffee in elementary school without anybody knowing.
Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?
Never been to a Starbucks, there were no Starbucks in my area and the first time I saw one, nothing interests me, everything looked too sweet and expensive.
Name your favourite coffee shop!
I don't have one right now, but I liked a local one, Brulerie something, forgot the name.
When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?
Hot coffee in the morning, iced one in the afternoon or evening. but without caffeine, my body have hard time with caffeine now, sadly..
Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?
Usually alone but I like croissants and pastries with coffee.
What's your go-to coffee order?
I usually order coffee in the Autumn and Winter months when it's colder out. In the Autumn months and up until they stop serving them in December, I'm ordering a pumpkin spice latte since Autumn's my favorite time of year, I love pumpkin foods/drinks, and pumpkin spice lattes enhance my enjoyment of the season. I've also liked to try some Christmas flavors, and white chocolate seems pretty good. The first flavor I ever tried from one of these places was a mocha macchiato and that's good too.
I only order hot coffee. I don't dislike iced coffee but I prefer hot coffee and, honestly, there are other cold drinks I'd rather drink than iced coffee. I don't really see the appeal.
When did you first start liking coffee?
2017. My best friend and I met up for the first time in person after knowing each other online for like a decade by that point. During our hangout we got coffee; I hadn't had coffee other than trying some of what my parents brewed at home when I was a kid and I thought it was gross. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I liked the mocha macchiato.
Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?
Starbucks was the first coffee place I went to, tying into the above. 2017. Yeah, I like it.
Name your favourite coffee shop!
I've only had Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks so far. They're both good but I have a slight preference for Dunkin since it's a bit cheaper. Flavorwise, it's down to individual drinks which place makes them tastier.
When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?
I only drink coffee in the morning or up to the early afternoon, cutoff would probably be like 1 PM or 2 PM. If I drink it too late then it's probably going to keep me awake when I go to bed at night.
Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?
I mean, I can have it with food but I usually just drink it on its own.
I like coffee but I don't know if I like coffee. These sweet drinks taste good, but they're pumped full of tons of added sugars and chemicals. I've had some home brewed pumpkin spice coffee using bagged coffee grounds and that's fine, but even still I need to put milk and at least a little sugar in to make it palatable; I've tried black coffee and it's definitely not my thing. I've cut out a lot of processed food this year in an effort to clean up my diet, so these drinks hold a bit less appeal to me now. I'm open to expanding my horizons and would like to try smaller, non-corporate coffee shops but I haven't done so yet.
What's your go-to coffee order?
I don't really order coffee, so I don't have a go-to order yet!
When did you first start liking coffee?
I first drank coffee at 13, but I hated it. Pretty sure I started drinking it again at 15 (it wasn't long ago!), and I started liking it then.
Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?
I've never went to Starbucks, but I've tried some of their iced coffee in glass bottles that you can buy in stores. (No idea what they're called, though.)
Name your favourite coffee shop!
Hmm... Tim Hortons. Not necessarily a "coffee shop", but they're known for their coffee here.
When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?
I usually drink it in the morning, but sometimes I'll have a cup during the afternoon or evening.
Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?
I prefer drinking coffee with food (usually breakfast), but I'm fine with drinking it by itself.
What's your go-to coffee order?
I usually get coffee with sugar and cream (a double double) but when I am trying to be healthier I will get just cream and no sugar. If I am at a latte type place then I also like lattes. Hot coffee always, even in the summer. I kinda hate how seemingly everyone else is on an iced coffee thing these days but why would I want to water down my coffee?
When did you first start liking coffee?
I had a boyfriend in high school who was a bad influence on me and he got me into it. (I'm kidding about the bad influence part but that is how it happened). But also my dad was a huge coffee drinker so it was also just something that was always around. Then when I was in university coffee definitely became my way of life.
Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?
I have had Starbucks and I do have a few different drinks that I like from there. They stopped doing eggnog chai lattes though and that was one of my favourite things they had in the winter.
Name your favourite coffee shop!
Local coffee shops > chain coffee shops. I get coffee from chain places too but they don't need my free promotion on an Animal Crossing forum lol
When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?
Usually just in the mornings but occasionally I will get decaf in the evenings.
Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?
Sometimes with food and sometimes without.
What's your go-to coffee order? Small iced latte. When did you first start liking coffee? Growing up, I always preferred tea and despised the taste. I only started liking it when I was 18. I also had to ease myself into it because I only drank sweet kinds of coffees, but now I prefer no sweetness! Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it? Starbucks was my gateway to coffee, but I don't like it anymore. I'm lucky to have many local coffee shops at my university so I always go there. Name your favourite coffee shop! Local ones When do you drink coffee? Day or Night? Both lol. Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone? I only eat pastries and cakes with coffee when it's a special occasion or I need a pick-me-up. Otherwise, I drink it alone.
When did you first start liking coffee?
around the same time I first started liking runick stun (or just stun in general)
Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?
yes, but none of their coffee drinks. too long ago to remember. it was fine, but nothing I'd of paid for. much less what they were asking for (I didn't pay for it)
Name your favourite coffee shop!
whatever coffee shop it is that sells blue-eyes mountain coffee in yu-gi-oh! 5d's
When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?
I'll get back to you on that
Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?
I like to eat food without coffee, and drink other drinks alone or with food
What's your go-to coffee order?
Simple black coffee When did you first start liking coffee?
Someone suggest drinking coffee to help open up the airway when the closer stopped cleaning the ventilation hoods.
Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?
I've had a caramel macchiato at Dutch Brothers. I'm on a diet now.
Name your favourite coffee shop!
Where I work since it's free When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?
Morning, maybe half a cup early afternoon Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?
With breakfast or when I get to work.
What's your go-to coffee order?
A black venti/large cold brew with nothing in it. I love the satisfying, bitter taste of black coffee.
When did you first start liking coffee?
When I was around 15. I tried my mom’s when I was a kid and hated it. Then I experimented and tried it again and really enjoyed it.
Have you ever had Starbucks/When did you first try it? Do you like it?
It’s decent, but not worth it for the price. I’ve had cheaper coffee that tastes noticeably better. I go there often anyway since it’s nearby and convenient. All of the other cafes around here are further away.
Name your favourite coffee shop!
A locally owned cafe chain. I’d drink there more often, but they’re kinda out of the way.
When do you drink coffee? Day or Night?
Both. I have caffeinated cold brew during the day and will have some decaf in the evening or night. For whatever reason it rarely affects my sleep.
Do you like to eat food with coffee, or drink it alone?
Drink it alone usually unless I just so happened to get some right before a meal.