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The community here.


i hate my username
Jun 14, 2015
Sautéed Mushrooms
Red Cosmos
Pear (Fruit)
Tasty Cake
Tasty Cake
It's great. It's really great

Everyone here is nice, and everyone seems to get along. Sure, there may be some arguments, but it's all resolved in the end! People like to help one another, so many items are given away for free daily! The mods are nice, which doesn't seem to happen very often to me.

Being part of this community is amazing. I feel I can be myself, with hardly anyone judging me! People seem to care even for complete strangers! They make the newcomers feel welcome, and, it's all just so amazing here!

I'm part of another forum (which I don't know if I can give the name away here), and the community is nowhere near this nice. There are some people who don't like me on here, but I can't say the same for this community (I think..?) I recently went back on that forum for the first time in a few months, posted about it, and no one cared. But there was a post recently on this forum about someone returning from a hiatus, and everyone was so happy, even if they never met the person before! The mods on that forum seem horrible but the mods on this are so great!

So, yeah. The Bell tree Forums has the best community I've ever been a part of, and I hope it continues to grow! It's really amazing here!
I just felt like this all needed to be said!

EDIT: I've met around 10 people on these forums that are horrid, so yeah
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Well I think you can mention if you mean ACC lol, it's kinda infamous.

But yeah I agree it's a good forum...of course there are always salty tw*ts but that goes for most on the www imo.
Well I think you can mention if you mean ACC lol, it's kinda infamous.

But yeah I agree it's a good forum...of course there are always salty tw*ts but that goes for most on the www imo.

No, it's an MLP forum xD
It's been really great to me, especially around the time I first joined. Some of the newer regulars can be harder to get along with, but it's still a great community.
I'm happy. I recently made a post saying the same thing basically. The only forum I was a part of before this was a Britney forum (exhale) but now bh has sold out and I don't visit anymore. I didn't realize I missed a community <3
I've only been here for a short time, but I am already starting to like this community! People here get really pumped up when they hear 'trade' 'visit' 'selling'.
I've experienced these in past forums, but they were nowhere as fast as this forum.
Also, everyone is pretty nice here. although I want to see someone who doesn't really like me
I like this place! Sure there are going to be rude people here... there are rude people everywhere! But for the most part, the nice people here really do out number the rude ones. I love this community!
I definitely agree! The community is mostly easy to get along with, and very nice, polite, and generous! There are always going to be some shady and trashy people on here because this is the internet, but overall, after comparing TBT to other forums, it seems to be one of the best in terms of how active it is, and also how nice most of the people are.

if it weren't for the forum I wouldn't have been as caught up and interested in ACNL as I am now. It is definitely much better to play with people online than just by myself! ^_^
agreed. i used to be part of the aeria games community a couple years back and back then, damn, was it great. it definietely wasn't as active as tbt, but despite the fact that it primarily consisted of adults, it was surprisingly kid friendly. there weren't many kids on the site, but if there was, they were very open about their age and everyone treated them great, even if they were painfully annoying. i started off practicing signatures with the aeria community and looking back at it, when i asked for critique of my *****ty signatures, they all were kind enough to lie and say it looked great, which did motivate me to keep working with signatures. i don't think i've ever encountered any ***** posters there or bullying of any sort, but that's in the past - aeria is dead now, so it's not a community worth joining anymore. but comparing tbt to aeria, i'd say aeria was better community wise. tbt is great overall, but it has some work to do.
Well I keep coming back, so TBT is doing something right! I've lost track of all the other ACNL forums, I just keep up with this one. I actually have friends on here, lol.
Yep, the community is great here. It helps a lot when playing social games like AC
this is an ok community except for the crazy little kids so the only community i prefer is serenes forest
and maybe smashboards a lil if it were more active
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Yeah! I've been here for 2 years, and I've met some great people! I mean, its a shame people leave, but they were still amazing.

This community is really great!
yah i guess its pretty great here ;}

but i feel more at home on gamefaqs
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