Pokémon The creation of this part of the website


I'm still alive
Oct 22, 2016
New Horizons Token
Red Balloon
Dreamy Party Popper
Aurora Sky
Light Blue Balloon
Bloodshot Potion
Strange Doll
I'm serious. Why are the staff so into Pok?mon? Like, there was literally a week dedicated for this franchise that has nothing to do with animal crossing other than smash. I'm still waiting for that Nintendogs section for this website. I know you can't hide your love for Pok?mon from me.
I'm serious. Why are the staff so into Pok?mon? Like, there was literally a week dedicated for this franchise that has nothing to do with animal crossing other than smash. I'm still waiting for that Nintendogs section for this website. I know you can't hide your love for Pok?mon from me.

I don't know the actual answer, but I can probably take an accurate guess.

Pokemon is a long running, popular franchise with regular game releases with many fans on the website. Like Smash and Splatoon (the other two specific boards) it has a multiplayer focus and (I guess not really Splatoon) a concept that leaves it open for near limitless amount of discussion.

Nintendogs hasn't had a game since like 2010/2011, 6 games in total with 4 of those being debatable to whether they even really a sequel or glorified DLC (sort of like if Pokemon had 5 versions with different Pokemon on each). It was never really a massively talked about franchise even in its prime outside of obscure niche's on the internet (note: not saying it wasn't popular, but it didn't have the content or concept to generate much discussion either). It doesn't really need an entire subforum, it would be a waste of time since it would never get used. What is there to really talk about that isn't better suited to the occasional thread that gets 4 replies?
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