The CTRL + V Game

Trinity of Wishes
Vesta, Pinky, Pecan, Charlise, Lucky, Biff, Marshal, Chadder,
Dreamies: Chester, Lolly, Bill
Looking for Patchwork and Mermaid Set + Swords! PM me if you have :)

wow... this was supposed to be my sig but to many chars....

I had to put that ™ next Meme Trash for emphasis™.
Those long days passing by from that door
Like late summer they slowly fade away
Finding ways through the favorite tune
Filling me with those sounds
_____ went up to the spigetti, he stabed its huge meat ball beacon went everywhere, _____ ran in and said 'oh, my pizza killed _____ !' luckly no one likes him pizza forever! my amaginashion is cool