Senior Member
I've asked about this before over on the FAQ thread, but nobody there seemed to know. Has anyone done any experimentation into how much detail is actually captured when you save your dream to the dream suite? For instance, we know that it ignores npc visitors, and any events that might be happening. But what about what your villagers are wearing when you update your dream? Before I update, I always run around making sure nobody is wearing that dreaded jockey outfit or muscle shirt (that I'm sure they keep purely to torture me) or sometimes I'll think 'Everyone's chosen cute outfits today, maybe I'll update while they're looking good!' But maybe the dream process just ignores all that stuff, and randomises it like when you restart your game? And does it capture which villagers are inside their homes, and which ones are walking around outdoors? I know time passes as normal within dreams, so perhaps they're likely to move around or get changed in real time anyway, but I've always been curious about how accurate that 'snapshot' actually is in the moment!